Italy 24 Press News

Moriggia swimming pool, summer is coming. After the restyling, “the Maldives of Gallarate” is back

GALLARATE – Small white sand beaches and the blue bottom of the pools which highlights the crystal clear water. An image that Simone Tornaghi, sole director of Amscassociates with «Maldives of Gallarate». This is how he comments on the new Moriggia swimming pool, fresh from the restyling of the entire external part and enriched with a series of details – and services – now that the new summer season is about to begin. From Saturday, June 8, starting at 9am, the Gallaratesi “beach” will reopen to the public.

The inspection

One last inspection – before the new season starts – the one carried out today, 6 June. He was present at the Moriggia swimming pool the mayor Andrea Cassani to get an overview of the Gallarate plant, now that all the external renovation works have been carried out. Even measuring the water temperature personally (in the photo below).

Alongside the mayor, the councilors Claudia Mazzetti (Sport), Corrado Canziani (Participate) and Stefania Picchetti (Personal). In addition to the leaders of the special company Amsc, including the au Tornaghi and the director Manuela Finestrella.

The news

The new pool manager Alberto Colombo, one of the members of H2O Ssd, showed the latest innovations. Among which, he recalled, stand out «the beach volleyball court just built and the beach with white sand, which comes directly from a quarry near Bergamo.” Furthermore “we removed the hedges by the pool, which allows people to have a better view.” In the meantime the diving platform was closed, «for safety reasons – clarified Cassani – it is too dangerous». But also to avoid it being an attraction for a certain type of clientele that does not always respect the established rules: «We on the other hand – added Colombo – we aim to welcome families, even with discounted prices». Furthermore, for this very reason, from now on there will also be a security team to supervise: «Let’s make the place clean and civilized».

gallarate moriggia swimming pool reopens – MALPENSA24
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