Italy 24 Press News

“Three roles for him in the next festival”

Despite not having won the hosting of the next Sanremo Festival, Alessandro Cattelan seems to be in pole position to grab equally important roles within the singing event: from co-host to face of DopoFestival.

Despite the news that to lead the Sanremo Festival for the next two years it will be there Carlo Conti, which collects the legacy of five successful editions hosted by Amadeus, there are still many details to be defined. Between the duration of the evenings, co-hosts and other spaces dedicated to the event, the hypothesis seems to be becoming increasingly concrete that Alessandro Cattelan can have a very specific role a Sanremo 2025.

Alessandro Cattelan and his role in Sanremo 2025

Well, according to what was reported by Dagospia, one of Carlo Conti’s intentions would be to greet the public by half past midnight, a time that would not guarantee the advertising spaces which in previous Sanremo editions far exceeded the prime time range. For this reason it would have been thought to restore a space like the After Festival, whose management would be entrusted, precisely, to Alessandro Cattelan. But, apparently, it would not be the only role he will have to cover. According to the newspaper, in fact, he could work alongside Conti as co-host for one evening and, finally, he will also be part of the commission that will select the songs in the evening event Sanremo Youth which, as usual, will be held next December.

The future of Alessandro Cattelan on TV

In short, although he was not chosen as the face of the next Sanremo editions, Alessandro Cattelan is still one of the names most focused on among Rai’s new generation hosts. After his experience Up close, no one is normal in prime time on Rai2, which did not provide excellent ratings, unlike Cattelan is here tonight in the late evening, which represents a real gem of the second network, the host does not hold back in getting involved and, indeed, it is not excluded that these positions, if confirmed, do not represent the necessary steps to get to the management of the coveted Italian song festival.

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