Italy 24 Press News

Remembering Giacomo Matteotti also in Latina



Monday 10 June, also at Latin we will celebrate one hundred years since the vile assassination at the hands of fascists Giacomo Matteotti. In a historical moment in which anti-democratic tendencies once again threaten the foundations of our society, it is essential to reaffirm the commitment to defend rights, freedom and our Constitution. Promoting the initiative are CGIL Frosinone Latina, Articolo 21, ANPI Provinciale and ANPI Nazionale, together with all the associations belonging to “La Via Maestra”. The new Pontine branch of Libera against the Mafia, Centro Donna Lilith, Arcigay Latina, Legambiente Latina, Rete Studenti Medi, Latina Bene Comune, Movimento 5 Stelle, Latina 2032, Democratic Party, Young Democrats, Green Europe, Sinistra Italiana, immediately signed up. , Possible. The meeting point will be the walk Sandro Pertini in via Don Morosini at 5.30 pm to continue leaving from 6pm in the garden that the Reclamation Consortium has kindly made available and which is located in the street of the city named after Matteotti. The celebrations will open with dedicated readings, with the voices of students and younger people to whom the organizers intend to leave the space and listening that they don’t always find. Monday will also be the day in which the polls will reveal to us what Europe awaits us for the next few years and what the extent of our future commitment will be. We start or start again from Giacomo Matteotti and from the awareness that democracy is never a definitive acquisition, but a daily conquest that requires commitment, vigilance and responsibility on the part of all of us.
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