Italy 24 Press News

The third edition of Nova Eroica Gran Sasso is upon us

L’AQUILA – Between Castel del Monte, Calascio, Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Barisciano, San Pio della Camere, Navelli, Prata d’Ansidonia, Carapelle Calvisio, Castelvecchio Calvisio and the Campo Imperatore plain (in the municipal area of ​​L’Aquila) , the curtain will rise on Saturday 8 June on the new edition of Nova Eroica Gran Sasso.

The Abruzzo one is the young offshoot of the Eroica conceived for over 25 years by Giancarlo Brocci which takes place in the first weekend of October in Tuscany.

The third edition, in Abruzzo, presents the four routes again to give anyone the opportunity to participate and pedal, both with gravel and road bikes, on sheep tracks and zero-traffic roads.

Inside the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, the magic of routes immersed in uncontaminated and wild nature returns, without the worry of race time, with zero kilometer refreshments and above all a lot of heroic spirit. There are four types of routes proposed:

– Corto (Giro della Rocca di Calascio), 60 km with a difference in altitude of 1100 metres.

– Medio Gravel (Giro dei 5 Borghi), 84 km and 1620 meters of altitude difference.

– Medio Strada (Giro del Gran Sasso), 92 km and 1830 meters of altitude difference.

– Lungo Gravel (Campo Imperatore and the Lands of Baronia), 132 km and 2490 meters of altitude difference.

The novelty this year is the extension of the long route of 132 kilometers to the area of ​​the Navelli plain and to the discovery of a new slice of Abruzzo territory (including the small villages of Tussio and Civitaretenga respectively hamlets of the municipalities of Prata d ‘Ansidonia and Navelli) in addition to the excavations of Peltuinum.

Far exceeded 400 registered with foreign cyclists from Switzerland, France, Poland, Canada, United States, Belgium and Germany.

Marco Marsilio, president of the Abruzzo Region: “Gran Sasso is unrivaled anywhere in the world. I am particularly happy because the event is growing as we wanted together with Marco Capoferri. From all over Italy and every corner of the world, participants will cross dirt roads, the ancient sheep tracks used for the transhumance of flocks and our inland towns rich in history and culture. An opportunity to discover and make known the goodness of our food and wine products. We are carrying forward the project announced since the first edition, namely the construction of dirt roads. We are currently in the final stages of the authorization processes and at the end of the summer we hope for the opening of the construction site and a rapid conclusion of the works. The objective is to complete at least the first part, the first 20-25 kilometers out of a total of 50, to deliver dirt roads with incomparable scenery and, in prospect, usable by cyclists and cycle tourists all year round. On June 8th we will have the opportunity to show them to the whole world once again”.

Marco Capoferri, representative of the Abruzzo Punto Bike Asd organizing committee: “The thing that gives me great satisfaction is that, by spreading the cliché of the third edition over two days, we have filled the accommodation facilities in the area with the majority of participants together with their companions. This year too I am particularly happy because some authoritative figures from the press are coming to visit us. First of all Antonio Ruzzo, editor in chief of Il Giornale and also Riccardo Barlaam, head of Il Sole 24 Ore. After the morning rides, the party will continue into the afternoon with the I Caferza concert and we will reach its peak in the evening with the heroic dinner for the village of Castel del Mone starting from 8pm. The Eroica Italia group confirmed the extension of the contract with Abruzzo for another three years. We passed the test with flying colors and this was also thanks to the many feedback we received from the participants in the first two editions”.


2.00 pm – 8.00 pm activation of the secretariat, collection of numbers and race packets in the village of Castel del Monte, DJ Martino music, porchetta party in the square and interactive visit to the village.


6:00 am activation of the secretariat, collection of numbers and race packets in the village of Castel del Monte.

Starting grids open at 8.15am.

8.45 am greeting from the authorities.

9:00 official departure.

Pasta party opening at 12:00.

4.00pm awards ceremony for timed sections of 84 and 132 kilometres.


Throughout the day, visits to the Rocca di Calascio, the villages of Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Castel del Monte, Barisciano and Castelvecchio Calvisio, as well as the Tour of Gran Sasso and Cima Pantani. All information can be consulted at the info point or by using the institutional websites of the aforementioned municipalities.

Thanks to Paolo Silvestri for the photos


Gran Sasso Abruzzo region

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