Italy 24 Press News

“Umbria in voci”, the tenth edition of the festival dedicated to voice, care and spirituality

Come back Umbria in Voice, a point of reference festival for people of all ages and backgrounds interested in experimenting with the use of the voice in all its forms: singing, theatre, readings aloud, holistic disciplines, art therapy, artistic and personal growth. This year the festival investigates the link between voice, care and spirituality; singing and vocal practices as well-being of the person and the community: the intimate, mystical dimension of inspiration with the nature of the city of Gubbio and the territories involved will serve as a scenario for carrying out the high-level training experiences offered, with teachers coming from every part of Italy and Umbria, preferring the rediscovery and valorization of small towns, hidden places, with a landscape approach of openness and inclusion.

To inaugurate this tenth edition, Umbria in Voice opens with three retreats “Between nature and word”: the first meeting will be held Saturday 22 June. The program will open with a silent meditation walk starting at 9:00 am fromHermitage of Serra Santa Of Gualdo Tadino. The haiku writing workshop will follow “The words of silence”edited by Antonella Giacon, from 11:00 to 13:00. After a shared lunch, two workshops will be held: one on art therapy, curated by Francesca Nicchi (“Poetry in the hands”from 3.00pm to 5.00pm), and one for singing, by the vocal trainer and artistic director of the festival Claudia Fofi (“Poetry in the voice” from 5.00pm to 6.00pm). The day will end with the concert ofEnsemble La Douss’auraat 9.30pm, at the monumental complex of San Francesco to Gualdo Tadinoin collaboration with Water Festival.

The second retreat will take place Saturday 29 Junebut this time the morning walk in nature will start – again at 9:00 – from Casacastalda to get to Mount Serra. The workshop will be held later “Mindfullness and voice” with Federico Giubilei, from 11:00 to 12:00, followed by a shared lunch and return to Casacastalda. From 3pm to 5.30pm, the poetess Simona Possenti will hold a writing workshop inspired by the Franciscan Laudi entitled in the square “Laudato yes”. The event organized by theTre di Tre ApS association, “The balm of words”with the participation of the vocal ensemble “The Voices of Chiascio”.

The third and final scheduled meeting is scheduled for Sunday 28 July to Scheggia and Pascelupo. The start of the day will be entrusted to the seminar Sista Brahminswith his “In the flow of narration. Practical introduction workshop to the art of storytelling”at the Abbey of Sant’Emiliano in Congiuntoli (from 10:00 to 16:00). At 9.00 pm, in the small square of Scheggia, the storyteller Ljuba Scudieri will bring his Campania fairy tale on the relationship between voice and resurrection-healing “The Griffin Bird, or how bones can be resurrected.” The day will conclude, in the same place, with a public poetic oratory, from 9.30pm.

Some activities have registration costs. For information you can write to the email [email protected] or consult directly plan to receive all the details on how to participate. Lunches are to be considered self-managed.
The Festival it will then restart from 4 August until 8 Septemberand, with meetings dedicated to raising awareness on the topic of eating disorders, concerts, shows, laboratories, seminars and workshops.

THE FESTIVAL – The Umbria in Voce project was born in 2015 from a dream: to create educational, artistic and entertainment opportunities where people can meet to have experiences that have the voice at the centre. With the voice we speak, communicate, sing, tell stories, expose topics, we compare ourselves with the context in which we are placed. Through the voice we pass on knowledge, we establish relationships, we meet, we continue to develop positive human qualities such as the ability to dialogue.
Umbria in voci is a project with a strong social, as well as artistic, value, because all the practices proposed are aimed at developing a sense of community and caring for relationships.
Over the years, various activities related to the voice have been developed: vocal improvisation workshops, choral singing, singing therapy, body music, circle singing, gospel singing, Indian singing, Gregorian singing, traditional oral songs, vocal technique, reading aloud workshops and of art therapy, theater workshops, residencies for the creation of performances, site-specific oral poetry events, shows and concerts, training projects for schools aimed at both teachers and students, creative writing workshops for songs and poetry, projects for the inclusion of migrants. Over the years it has hosted great artists of voice and speech such as Anna Maria Hefele, Tran Quang Hai, Lula Pena, John De Leo, Franco Arminio, Albert Hera, Mauro Tiberi, Keba Sech, the Mancuso Brothers and Marta Raviglia. The festival is attentive to the territory, and always tries to propose collaborations that bring together local trainers with professionals from all over Italy and abroad.

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