Italy 24 Press News

Ancona football towards farewell to Serie C

It’s not clear yet what the future will be of Ancona soccer and the mayor Daniele Silvetti does not hide his concerns and asks for “clarity, transparency and above all respect for those who strongly believed in the announcements and promises”. The mayor wants to “understand what the economic-financial and equity situation of the Company is, to understand above all whether there is any intention to continue” he explained to ETV adding that “now is the time to close any bizarre hypothesis, but above all any type of smoke which is actually significantly compromising the football sporting future of the city.” “There is a need – underlined the Mayor – for the healthy forces of the city to come around the table. I will do my part as mayor. I ask the fans to be close to us in this critical moment”. Certainly “the administration must give the fans and the entire city the possibility of certainties and take action where there is a discontinuity declared by the residual part of the club which is still available”. Silvetti assures that he will dialogue with the fans, with the groups organized to share every step from here on out and appeals for calm. To date “nothing is taken for granted” on the possibility of starting again from Serie D “because it is a race against time we must understand if the conditions are there to start again, increasing the participations which – he underlines – I hope are from the territory, because we need as “There is an air of regaining control of the situation, and above all the fans have legitimate expectations of seeing a future for their team.”

Tsunami Tiong, no transfers to members, goodbye to Serie C. Ancona will start again from Serie D, in the best case scenario. This is the sadly realistic picture that appears before the city after Mister Tiong’s betrayal. Those who had read about his recent embarrassments, his uncertainties, his reluctance to appear, as a growing malaise towards the city and Ancona, had seen clearly. Ditto for his interest in other footballing realities, from Verona to Koper. Tony Tiong has made fun of an entire city, led by the mayor Daniele Silvetti, and is leaving it in the worst possible way. Other than relegation: a Caporetto in two days. The epilogue took place between Tuesday and yesterday morning and followed the sudden about-face of the president, who until a week ago was talking about next year’s budget with Boscaglia and marketing campaigns with the rest of the company, within three days he said he had liquidity problems and could not pay the salary deadline in full, then he took a further step back and, finally, at 3.30pm on Tuesday afternoon he said that he would not pay anything. Among other things, it would not have been him who said it, in a video call with Roberta Nocelli and Antonio Postacchini, but rather his intermediary Massimo Ficcadenti, it seems, that is, the same former coach who is reportedly negotiating his possible entry into Verona. The picture is clear, isn’t it?

At that point Roberta Nocelli and Mauro Canil began a race against time to find the necessary amount, around 450 thousand euros, and to make the transfers. The amount arrived in Ancona’s coffers in the evening thanks to Mauro Canil and a payment made by an entrepreneur who declared himself ready to take over Ancona at no cost. Provided, of course, that it was registered in Serie C. Ancona then proceeded to make the transfers to its members. Only to discover, yesterday morning, that no bank forcing would have allowed her to show those transfers as having been issued on June 4th, even if paid regularly by that date, around 11.30pm. Hence the reversal of the transfers themselves. With the consequent return of the amount paid to the direct owner, who could not pay the salaries of a team that cannot be admitted to the next championship. By waiving the payment, therefore, Ancona also renounced taking that economic step necessary to obtain the national license for the next Serie C championship, knowing that those transfers would never be dated 4 June as required by federal regulations. Roberta Nocelli tried all the way, in short, without making fun of anyone, but she was forced to raise the white flag in the face of the turncoat Tiong, his dreams of Serie A, his incomprehensible vision of Italian football and, above all, to his betrayal of the city and fans. Goodbye Serie C, goodbye youth sector still in the running for important goals, goodbye sports center project. Now it will be up to the mayor Daniele Silvetti and Mauro Canil – if he decides to keep faith with the promises made three years ago at the Mole – to find the right path to enroll Ancona in Serie D.

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