Italy 24 Press News

CR Carpi Foundation: 2023 final balance approved. Operating surplus over 6 million, 3.5 million disbursed, assets at 292 million Economy

The Cassa Risparmio Carpi Foundation has recently released a note relating to the 2023 budget of the organisation, prepared by the Board of Directors and approved unanimously by the Board of Directors. For theinstitutional activitythe resources put in place, we read, have made it possible to achieve 95 interventions in favor of the local community, for a total amount that came close to 3.5 million euros and saw an increase in availability towards the territory of 10 percent compared to the previous year. The support activity gave priority to the education, scientific research and local development area where 50 percent of the resources, equal to 1,733,862 euros, were concentrated. The aid in the sector was directed towards multiple areas, from the new master’s degree course in Engineering at the new university headquarters, to the strengthening of educational projects in schools in the area; from the renovations of structures for youth and extra-curricular activities, to the recognition of the commitment of deserving students; from ministerial projects for growth and inclusion through the acquisition of digital skills, to the promotion of sports practice in schools; up to the promotion of local development through the Carpi Fashion System project. The second sector of support from the CR Carpi Foundation was that relating to art, culture and the environment, which received 30.6 percent of the total resources, for an amount of 1,063,500 euros. The availability contributed to the creation of around thirty exhibitions, festivals, reviews, conferences, concerts and theatrical events in the three municipalities of competence (Carpi, Novi di Modena and Soliera), as well as guaranteeing the usability of the San Rocco Auditorium and the continuation of the interventions aimed at allowing public use of Santacroce Park. The amount allocated to public health and socially relevant activities, with 19.4 percent, was quantified at 672,203 euros. Here the actions were aimed at the numerous initiatives of voluntary and social promotion associations and to support the activity of the instrumental body Fondazione Casa del Volontariato, in addition to allowing in the healthcare sector, both the acquisition of biomedical equipment for the strengthening of the path of diagnosis and treatment in the obstetric and gynecological field, and the increase in the local palliative care network for long-term patients and cancer patients thanks to a total of 400 thousand euros for the period 2022-2025, to which will be added the contribution of 300 thousand euros in 2025 for the completion of the territorial hospice serving the health districts of Carpi and Mirandola. The payments made during the year, arranged only against suitable expense justifications, amounted to 3,138,783 euros. These payments follow the conclusion of the initiatives and projects financed and constitute a significant indicator of the actual realization of what has been supported, confirming how the level of disbursements is adequate to the spending capacity of the beneficiary bodies. follows

The note then focuses onpatrimonial activity, recalling an operating surplus of 6,291,950 euros, with an increase of 20.7 percent compared to the previous year. A result that is above the average for the 2018-2023 period and confirms the constant strengthening of the institution’s assets. The result of financial management in turn recorded an increase of 17.73 percent compared to the 2022 financial year, reaching 9,193,301 euros and allowing resources of 3,292,787 euros to be set aside for institutional activity funds and to increase availability for future disbursements. The funds available for the Foundation’s support to the territory over time have reached a total of 12,710,628 euros. Of these, 5,118,224 euros were allocated to the stabilization of disbursements, while 6,114,473 euros constituted availability for disbursements to the relevant sectors. At the end of the financial year, net equity recorded an increase of over 2.8 million euros, reaching the figure of 292,292,305 euros. Since the Foundation aims to maintain the economic value of its assets as a guarantee to be able to carry out interventions for the benefit of the community over time, 1,258,390 euros were finally set aside for the mandatory reserve and 1,572,987 euros for the revaluation and capital gains reserve.

On structures and major projects, the main act of the 2023 financial year, underlines the note, was to complete the University Technological Pole, providing the territory with a multifunctional space dedicated to university teaching and research, technological transfer to the productive fabric, and cultural diffusion. This was associated with the support and launch of the new master’s degree course in sustainable industrial engineering. During 2023, a commitment of 900,000 euros was also approved to build a cycle/pedestrian underpass and thus guarantee the complete safety connection of pedestrians and cyclists between the town centre, the Santa Croce hamlet and the large green park owned by the Foundation. Following the urban planning variant at the end of July 2022, it was possible to proceed with providing Santa Croce Park with the infrastructural works for its use. The works are currently underway, with the aim of achieving a gradual opening of the green area upon completion. In addition to those indicated, among the major multi-year commitments, the exercise sees the commitment to make gyms and sports facilities in the area safe for an amount of 300,000 euros such as the redevelopment of the Fassi school gym, and the future assignment of a further contribution of 1,200,000 euros for the construction of a new multipurpose sports complex (actually a gym) in the former swimming pool area created by the municipal administration through co-financing with Pnrr Funds. The planned interventions in favor of the communities of Novi di Modena and Soliera were also confirmed, relating to the construction of a multipurpose sports facility/leisure citadel, a sports facility with a capacity of approximately 600 seats which also constitutes an opportunity for aggregation and growth in the training and educational field for the young population of the municipality of Novi. And the redevelopment and strengthening of the cultural aggregation center Habitat of Soliera. As regards the support provided to the entities participated by the Foundation, the contributions assigned to the FestivalFilosofia Consortium (100 thousand euros), which takes care of the organization of the festival of the same name, to the Foundation for the valorization and memory of the Campo di Fossoli were confirmed ( 60 thousand euros) and the annual contribution of 70 thousand euros to the Campori Foundation was renewed, which has as its objective the coordinated management of cultural activities in the municipality of Soliera and the management of the Habitat associative and multipurpose centre.

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