Italy 24 Press News

Drought, Piedmont second region for damage

Piedmont is the second region most affected by the advanced drought from 2020 to today. This is what Legambiente says as it takes stock of the ongoing climate emergency on the basis of data from its Città Clima Observatory on the occasion of 5 June, World Environment Day. Across the entire national territory, 81 damages were recorded, of which 15 in Lombardy, 14 in Piedmont and 9 in Sicily.

Furthermore, the association recalls that 2022 was the year in which the prolonged drought hit the hardest, especially in the Centre-North. In Piedmont, for example, the anomaly with respect to average rainfall was 41%. This is why Legambiente launches a series of joint appeals to the government: reconstitute a single direction by the district basin authorities; put in place an integrated national strategy at river basin level; encourage good practices for retaining water in the area and promote systems for the recovery of rainwater and the reuse of waste water.

At the next legislature of the European Commission, however, there will be a request to approve a framework law on climate resilience to coordinate stringent rules on adaptation in each member country. According to estimates by the supranational institution, without preventive action on climate risks, damage from floods, heat waves, droughts, crop losses and forest fires, European GDP risks collapsing by 7% by the end of the 21st century.

According to the national president of Legambiente, Stefano Ciafani, “drought, rationed water, protests by citizens and farmers show us how the climate crisis is accelerating in Italy too. The effects of climate change are now very tangible with serious environmental and economic repercussions. In particular, the prolonged drought has repeatedly brought agricultural production to its knees and caused a worrying drop in lake levels. This is why it is essential to intervene in prevention rather than acting after extreme climatic events have hit the peninsula”.

World Environment Day, initiatives in the city

The day dedicated to raising awareness of green issues and promoting concrete actions to protect the planet is also being celebrated in Turin. Various initiatives promoted in the city, starting from the A come Ambiente Museum in Corso Umbria which organizes interactive workshops and ad hoc exhibitions. Furthermore, many Turin neighborhoods are promoting urban horticulture, an activity aimed at improving air quality.

Also underway is the 27th edition of the Cinema Ambiente Festival, which will run until June 9th. This second day of the event starts with the awards ceremony of the Junior Cinemambiente competition from 10 am. At 5.30 pm the Cinema Massimo hosts the film “Las memorias perdidas de los Árboles”, while the Circolo dei Lettori will host the meeting entitled “Energy, environment , economy” to discuss a currency representing energy.

At 6pm there is the Short 1 short film competition again at the Massimo and the inauguration of the photographic exhibition “Drowning world” by Gideon Mendel at the Rectorate of the University of Turin. From 7.30pm more films at Cinema Massimo: “The world according to my dad” and “Until the end of the world”, followed by debates with the respective directors. Finally, at 9.30pm at the Cinema Massimo there will be “Il Punto” by Luca Mercalli and the screening of “Tocicily”.

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