Italy 24 Press News

Fifth, former undersecretary Gianpaolo Dozzo has passed away | Today Treviso | News

FIFTH OF TREVISOGianpaolo Dozzo, former undersecretary of the League, was found dead in his home in Quinto di Treviso. The man was 69 years old. Dozzo was a well-known Italian politician who had held various public positions, including that of undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The cause of death has not yet been clarified (it is probable a illness); investigations are ongoing.

A long-time politician, he has held various public offices. He was group leader of the Northern League in the Chamber of Deputies from 2012 to 2013. Furthermore, he was a deputy in the Chamber of Deputies and held the role of undersecretary of state for agricultural and forestry policies in the Berlusconi-II government from 12 June 2001 to 22 April 2005.

“The disappearance of Gianpaolo Dozzo – comments the president of Veneto Luca Zaia – leaves me dismayed and saddened; I heard it no later than two days ago. He was a true pillar in the history of the Liga Veneta first and then of the League. I met him when I was a boy and he was the contact person for my section in Godega di Sant’Urbano. With him I lose a friend to whom I was linked by a long-standing common commitment. But the territory loses a man of the institutions, a protagonist for a long period in the city council of his fifth of him from which he deservedly took flight towards the Chamber of Deputies for several legislatures. At Montecitorio he confirmed himself as a lover of politics in the highest sense of the term, who also had the opportunity to highlight his qualities as an administrator and man of government as when he held the position of undersecretary for Agricultural and Forestry Policies. Throughout his career he was a gentleman, a gentleman with a straight back.”

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