Italy 24 Press News

The seniors of Coldiretti Sondrio at the regional festival in Como: “Still a central role in today’s entrepreneurship”

The Coldiretti Sondrio delegation was numerous today at the 2024 Coldiretti Senior Regional Festival, welcomed today in the Como cathedral which was joined by hundreds of participants from all the Lombardy provinces.

The leaders of Coldiretti Lombardia were present and, as mentioned, a large representation of seniors from Valtellina and Valchiavenna, who highlighted the particular strength of the association that brings together pensioners, led in the province of Sondrio by Walter Raschetti.

The event, which has always represented a moment of aggregation for pensioners from the various Lombardy provinces, began with a guided tour of the historical and cultural beauties of the historic center and, in particular, the silk museum in via Castelnuovo. At 11am, the seniors met in the cathedral, where the archpriest brought greetings from the bishop, Cardinal Oscar Cantoni.

During the offertory, each province presented a basket with agricultural products typical of its territory, a symbol of unity in the diversity that characterizes the region. The lunch that followed offered an opportunity for conviviality, characterized by typical Lombard flavours, consolidating the community spirit among the participants. “The Regional Seniors’ Festival is an opportunity to underline the vitality and enthusiasm of Coldiretti’s seniors, as well as the desire to be alongside, today, many young people who take up the profession of farmer” also highlights the president of Coldiretti Sondrio Sandro Children. The day also provided the opportunity to discuss highly topical issues.

The regional president of Coldiretti Lombardia Gianfranco Cominciolipresent with the regional director Giovanni Benedettidrew attention to the fundamental role, “determination and knowledge” that retired direct farmers still play in businesses and families, “helping and supporting them in their daily work and in facing any difficulty”.

The day ended with lunch and a walk along the lakeside: the Regional Seniors’ Festival of Coldiretti Lombardia was therefore once again confirmed not only as a celebration and meeting event, but also as an important moment of reflection and proposals for the future of Italian agriculture.

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