Italy 24 Press News

Scoccia: «I will immediately redo all the streets of Perugia with 40 million of the 100 planned»

04 Jun 2024 14:03

«Forty million euros, immediately, to fix all the streets of Perugia». They are the ones that the centre-right mayoral candidate, Margherita Scoccia, says she wants to allocate to in the first two years of the council. «Now that with extraordinary effort we have finally managed to close the budget hole inherited from the left, we can finally concentrate seriously on the streets of our city» explains Margherita Scoccia, who as regards urban decorum had already made it known that «she wanted to invest in a ten-year plan worth 100 million euros for roads, greenery and furniture.”

«In this 100 million maxi-plan I intend to advance 40 million for the first two years by providing for the resurfacing and maintenance of the most important roads in the city and those that, due to lack of funds, we have not been able to restore. It is possible as the debt has been repaid and there are finally funds in the budget – explains Scoccia -. We are gradually getting rid of derivatives and borderline reckless financial operations undertaken by previous administrations, such as the Argentine bonds. Furthermore, we will be able to benefit from a portion of investments that the Municipality intends to allocate to public works.”

Margherita Scoccia

The financing lines to immediately invest 40 million on the roads of our city? «There will be a single tender lot. We will take out a mortgage, necessarily, but the maintenance of the roads represents the priority for me, and we will draw funds from current spending lightened by the burdens of derivatives and BOCs”.

«A mapping of interventions on the roads has already begun – explains the centre-right and civic mayoral candidate -. My electoral program includes concrete actions that can be completed, I didn’t want to dwell on things that I already know cannot be achieved – explains Scoccia -. The road plan is extremely important for citizens and I can guarantee that it will be implemented within the terms I have set myself. In recent years we would have liked to do more for our citizens but unfortunately due to the economic availability it was not possible. A work like the Minimetro weighs on the municipal coffers for 7.5 million a year – Scoccia underlines -, the Romizi council dedicated an average of 4.5 million to the roads, much more than our predecessors who invested a maximum of 800 thousand euro, concentrating skilful road maintenance interventions especially close to the elections”.

Through the road resurfacing works, Margherita Scoccia thinks about the future economic return on the area: «As happened with the construction of the Metrobus, we intend to give in this way a propulsive boost to the beauty of Perugia which in my vision will have to be inspired by the canons of northern European cities ». Margherita Scoccia’s urban decoration plan – concludes the note from the candidate mayor of Perugia – provides for an update of the horizontal and vertical signs with the consequent elimination of the old signs, the modernization of the traffic light systems and the implementation of acoustic systems.

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