Italy 24 Press News

TIVOLI – Aniene anti-flood embankments, the TAR cancels the 10 million euro tender

Every full, the same scene. The streets reduced to one marshthe houses invaded by slime.

It’s been going on like this for decades Borgo Santo Spiritothe neighborhood built illegally on the land of the ASL Rome 5in the municipal area of Tivoli.

Particularly in the area close to the Aniene riverclassified as ad high hydraulic risk (Risk R4) from the Hydrogeological Management Plans (PAI).

To secure the area Lazio region had invested something like 10 million euros delegating to North Coast Reclamation Consortium the task of launching the tender.

A race to do again.

This is what emerges from the sentence number 11200 – CLICK AND READ THE SENTENCE – published on Friday 31 May by TAR of Lazio.

The judges have indeed canceled the tender documents and the awarding of the contract to the Roman “Costruzioni Generali Srl” accepting the appeal of the second-placed company, the “Codisab Srl” of Carsoli.

From the sentence it emerges that on 23 February the Litorale Nord Reclamation Consortium had assigned to “Costruzioni Generali Srl” the executive design and execution of the hydraulic defense works of the Aniene river on the hydraulic right in the Martellona areain the Municipality of Tivoli.

Project financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for 10,832,086 euros and 81 cents for the flood risk management and the reduction of hydrogeological risk.

“Codisab Srl” reported to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court anomalies in the minutes.

In particular, while in the evaluation report in private session following the opening of the technical offers on 14 February 2024, the Commission had attributed to “Costruzioni Generali Srl” the score equal to 1vice versa, in minutes of the final sessionfor the same criterion, had been unjustifiably attributed to her score equal to 3.

For its part, the Consorzio di Bonifica justified itself by claiming that the change in the score attributed to “Costruzioni Generali Srl” was due to “material errors in typing scores”.

This was enough for the judges to annul all the documents.

The TAR has instead rejected the request of “Codisab Srl” to take over in the awarding of the contract e for possible compensation for damages.

It is worth remembering that the hydraulic defense works of the Aniene river in Martellona represent an important and long-awaited intervention for the inhabitants for whom 7 December 2023 the Lazio Region has excluded the procedure for subjecting it to an Environmental Impact Assessment (CLICK AND READ THE REGIONAL DEVICE).

The works, whose completion is expected in 365 days according to the timetable, they will focus on a stretch of the Aniene river between the crossing of the A1 motorway and the GRAwith particular attention regarding the protection of the inhabited area of ​​the area called Martellona 2.

Currently, the town of Martellona is exposed to phenomena of flood propagation outside the riverbed, with water levels often exceeding 1-2 meters on the ground level, for return times of 30-50 years.

L’objective main part of the project is mitigate hydraulic risk in the area through the construction of an earthen and reinforced earth embankment with a maximum height of 3 metres.

This intervention will prevent the natural flow of water towards the river, while a system of canals at the foot of the embankment will collect rainwaterconveying it into a drainage system which will be activated automatically in case of full.

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