Italy 24 Press News

A window falls in the classroom of a middle school in Bergamo during lessons: two pupils injured

Two pupils from the Codussi middle school in Bergamo were hit by a window that fell in the classroom during lessons. The Municipality ensured that it had started checks on the other windows and doors.

(File photo)

A window she fell inside a classroom at the Codussi secondary school in Bergamo. The glass hit two students who were in the school this morning, Tuesday 4 June injuring them slightly. The Bergamo municipal administration has ensured that it has already started checks on the building’s windows and doors, excluding, however, “lack of maintenance problems”.

The window fell during class

The story of the accident is reported by the Bergamo edition of Corriere della Serawhich specifies how the window came out of place while morning lessons were being held in the classroom.

Right under the frame there were two students who were allegedly hit and injured from glass. The conditions of the middle school children are unclear, but the Municipality of Bergamo has assured that they were only injured “slightly”.

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Councilor Poli: “We are checking the correct assembly of the windows”

The Education Councilor, Loredana Poli, assured that the municipal technicians are already working to verify the stability of all the other windows and doors of the school. The complex in via Fornoni was built thanks to the ‘New Schools’ ministerial plan inaugurated eight years agothe most recent in the city.

“I am close to the children of the Codussi lower secondary school involved in today’s accident, to their families, to the teachers and to the school director”, continued councilor Poli: “The commitment, right from the start, of the technical service of school buildings is understand the dynamics and verify correct assembly of all the other windows and doors”.

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