Italy 24 Press News

The local police expels a sixty-year-old Albanian –

During the course of Monday 13 May, the agents of the Emergency Unit of the Local Police Command carried out the expulsion of a person of Albanian origin who had been creating quite a few urban security problems for months.

The man, a convicted felon aged around 60, unemployed and homeless, now used to show up at some canteens dedicated to the poor and ask for various types of help and financial support from some voluntary associations active in the city.

In recent periods, the attitude of the latter had now degenerated both towards volunteers and other users; in particular, the subject had become very disrespectful and often threatening and violent, so much so that the volunteers themselves were forced to alert the Local Police Command to ask for help.

The agents, coordinated by the Officers of the Operations Department, began a meticulous investigation from which various police measures emerged, therefore, after reconstructing his movements, the man was finally traced and, in agreement with the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters of Varese, definitively expelled from the national territory.

This activity, which concluded positively thanks also to the necessary contribution of the Immigration Section of the Varese Police Headquarters, demonstrates once again how the contribution of the local police is fundamental in carrying out community policing tasks in order to guarantee the sense of security perceived among the citizens.

In fact, although immigration and expulsion matters do not fall within the specific tasks of the local police, these activities are always more effective thanks to the collaboration between the local police forces, who better know and experience the social fabric of the reality in which are called to operate, and the various law enforcement agencies, thanks to which it is possible to implement increasingly effective actions to improve the liveability of our cities.

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