Catania Airport, Sac budget approved: +6.4% passengers, profit of 3.3 million

Catania Airport, Sac budget approved: +6.4% passengers, profit of 3.3 million
Catania Airport, Sac budget approved: +6.4% passengers, profit of 3.3 million

The shareholders’ meeting of Saca company that manages the airports of Catania e Confiscationhas approved the budget project relating to 2023 which closed with a net operating profit of 3,309,303 euros. Last year the company made self-financing investments for 10,168,224 euros. The gross operating margin amounts to 15,542,840 euros and the value of production to 103,844,871 euros. The net financial position of the airport station at the end of 2023 is positive and amounts to 46,656,787 euros.

The press release

The data “reflects the financial strength of the airport and the ability to deal with emergency situations without compromising long-term economic stability – says a Sac note -. In fact, despite 2023 being characterized by extraordinary events that affected the operations of the airport and the economic-financial indicators, Catania airport benefited from a strong traffic demand, which allowed it to record an increase of 6.34% in the number of passengers compared to the previous year. Total passenger traffic for 2023 is 10,739,614 unitshighlighting the resilience of the port and its strategic importance for Catania and for the entire region”.

The situation at Comiso port

“At the Comiso airport, however, there were 303,414 passengers down 16.81% compared to 2022, due to the interruption of flight operations of an important international player – the press release continues -. An aspect recovered in the last months of the 2023 financial year thanks to the numerous airlines that have decided to invest in the Iblean airport, operating 16 national and international routes. From a prospective perspective, the Development and Cohesion Funds recently approved by President Schifani and the national Government, and destined for the airports of Catania and Comiso for an amount of 56 million euros, will give a significant boost to the development and improvement of the airport infrastructures of Eastern Sicily. The Comiso airport will also be able to manage an increasingly large flow of passengers, offering quality services and positioning itself as an even more strategic infrastructure for a rapidly growing territory”.

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