Italy 24 Press News

Operation against online child pornography: 4 arrests and 3 complaints. Blitz also in Taranto

An online pedophile network was dismantled by the Carabinieri, which led to the flagrant arrest of four people residing in the provinces of Milan, Brescia, Taranto and Bari, found in possession of a significant quantity of child pornography material and the reporting of three other people, one of which resides in Germany.

The investigative activity was coordinated with the territorially competent prosecutors of Milan, Brescia, Bari and Lecce and led to the seizure of approximately 215,000 files including images and videos of a child pornography nature depicting minors of different nationalities.

Involvement of Bari e Taranto
Investigations into the abuse of a minor by her father have led to the discovery of an online pedophile network. This network operated in several Italian provinces, including Bari and Taranto. Four people were arrested in flagrante delicto, while three others were reported. All those involved were in possession of significant quantities of child pornography.

Seizure of material
During the investigations, approximately 215,000 files containing images and videos of a child pornography nature were seized. These files depicted minors of different nationalities.

Prevention and awareness activities
In addition to investigative operations, the Postal Police organized over 100 training and information meetings for young people. The objective was to promote an informed use of social media and the new frontiers of telematic communication.

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