Italy 24 Press News

New centre-right, words from Cantoni: «Chosen by the parties for discontinuity»

To those who accuse him of being the head of a coalition capable of cloning the Fracassi administration without Fracassi, with five councilors and 15 outgoing councilors re-nominated, Alessandro Cantoni, 58 years old, candidate for mayor for the centre-right, replies: «I am a civic , if the parties have chosen me instead of one of their representatives it means that they intend to give a sign of discontinuity”. For the rest, the regional councilor and former councilor for education in the Fracassi council dreams of a Pavia that is “attractive, inclusive and with a bit of a future”.

Sorry if I insist, but there is a manifesto from Italia Viva that fears a “Fracassi bis”.

«I haven’t seen it, I’m working on my electoral campaign and they tell me that the center-left is much more focused on denigrating and activating the mud machine. I believe there is a strong signal from the centre-right in this round and I also defined it as a great act of humility because they decided to entrust the candidacy to a civic body and this represents a great sign of discontinuity”.

There would be another 15 councilors and 5 outgoing councilors who will stand for re-election.

“I don’t have a very broad field behind me and I wouldn’t even want it, but we only have three parties: Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia who could easily indicate their own candidate and instead there is a huge sign of discontinuity.”

Deputy mayor Bobbio said that there are “traitors” of the center-right on the lists of Azione and Italia Viva. What do you say as a moderate?

«Everyone has their own methods and their own strategy in carrying out the electoral campaign. I will continue with my method which has allowed me to welcome many civic figures into the ideal Pavia, moderate up to people who in the past have played on the left, and I quote Paolo Gramigna who is proving to be a person of great balance and depth ».

Let’s get into the program. Propose to network the Municipality’s cameras with those of private individuals who will be available.

«We started from the fact that images from private cameras are often used in many investigations. The objective is to guarantee greater safety, as the people of Pavia ask for.”

The Idroscalo? Are you thinking of buying it privately?

«At the moment it is not among the centre-right’s priorities, precisely because it belongs to a private individual. I don’t rule out future discussions.”

Cleaning and decoration: he talked about neighborhood operators. Does it confirm the idea?

“Certain. In the neighborhoods and in the center with teams that work to preserve the concept of cleanliness which has emerged as one of the main requests in this listening phase”.

What else did they ask you?

“Safety. If the majority of young people are absolutely healthy, there is concern for those who populate the city, especially after a certain time of night. A large number of over 55s want to travel around without taking risks and without returning home to find it burgled.”

There is a lack of spaces for young people: what will you do?

«We will have to start not only from the speakers we would like at the center of an inclusive proposal, but also from the sports facilities such as the Olympic swimming pool that we have in mind».

Have you already decided where to build it?

«No, but certainly not where Folperti is now».

And what do you have planned for disabled people?

«It is a topic that I feel strongly about, also because as education councilor I have been in contact with more than 340 families who deserve attention and respect. It’s time to start with concrete action to eliminate all architectural barriers. I attended a meeting with the associations and promised them that, if I am elected, I will be accompanied around the city blindfolded and then in a wheelchair to experience the daily hardship of people who deserve respect.”

Territorial government plan: will you carry forward the “Fracassi version” or will you make changes?

«Two areas deserve an analysis and perhaps a review and I am referring to via Marangoni and the areas of the Borgo. In view of this, the territory and the trade associations are asking us to act as soon as possible to restore the territorial government plan to our city since, let’s not forget, all the works relating to abandoned areas are also connected to it and if we were to missing this opportunity would mean extending the ad libitum time.”

In your program you say that the time has come to create a car park in the heart of Pavia.

«The parking system has become fundamental on several fronts because we are experiencing a situation of absolute congestion from the cars that we find parked everywhere. What will be important is not a car park, but a parking system evaluating the areas.”

But you know that parking in the center has been talked about for decades.

“We will carry out an assessment that also includes areas as close as possible to the centre.”

Watefront deals with the left bank of the Ticino. And the right?

«The regional tender allows us to bring 17 million to our territory. On the right bank we need more security. I will appoint a councilor for waterways.”


The program of the centre-right coalition that supports Alessandro Cantoni includes original ideas, such as a “welcome kit” for off-campus students and great classics of the political area, such as particular attention to the family.

It begins with the chapter “Safety and urban decorum” which talks about strengthening the local police force and starting the construction of a new fire station. For “Work, business and innovation” the proposal is, among other things, to provide support to start-ups and redevelop local businesses. Great attention to cleanliness and decorum, service to be strengthened: in the chapter “Environment and sustainability, suburbs and protection of greenery” environmental education programs in schools and the creation of “energy communities” are also mentioned in addition to the drafting of a city energy plan to be framed in the industrial plan of Asm Pavia.

Under the heading “Family and social welfare services”, after having underlined the principle of subsidiarity – a strong point of the regional centre-right for years – benefits are proposed for Pavia families and new couples and «significant services and interventions in favor of that natural society which is the family”. With reference to “Accessibility and disability” we talk about the promotion of the conditions of well-being and social inclusion of people affected by autism spectrum disorders and complex disabilities.

The part dedicated to “Education, training, university and young people” does not only include the welcome kit, in agreement with the University, for off-site students. There is also talk, for example, of “Italian language courses for foreigners and the promotion of cultural and sporting activities for the purposes of their integration into the social fabric”. Central to the pages on “Urban planning, roads, transport and services” are the creation of a parking plan to decongest city traffic, the recovery of abandoned areas with related urban regeneration, the creation of a second floor of parking functional for the hospitals and the complex university which is located next to the Citadel of Health and, finally, the construction of a middle school in Pavia Ovest which also appears in the program in support of the centre-left candidate, Michele Lissia and which will have to serve to relieve traffic congestion in the area where the school is located Carducci. For “Culture” we talk about valorisation of local traditions and “Pavia’s involvement in the major international events that make the city of Milan one of the world capitals”, as well as the intention to nominate Pavia as the Italian capital of culture. Finally, under the heading “Sport, young people and free time”, the intention to open a new municipal swimming pool and to present Pavia’s candidacy as “European City of Sport” is reiterated. —


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