Italy 24 Press News

Girl hit in Brescia, tragedy outside a nursery at leaving time: the grandmother of a child knocked her down

A huge tragedy occurred outside a nursery school in Brescia, as reported by the main media including Handle. A a one and a half year old girl who escaped her grandmother’s control was hit by a car and, sadly, she died.

The victim’s family, dismayed, He also has a second, younger daughter a few months agowhich the mother was taking care of at home, leaving the paternal grandmother with the task of picking up her daughter from school.

A reckless maneuver?

The little girl died shortly after arriving in the emergency room. It was a matter of a fraction of a second. A maneuver at very low speed inside a car park. Perhaps due to the sun, perhaps due to the automatic transmission of the car involved. So around 4pm the tragedy occurred in the private car park of a private school complex in the Lombardy capital which hosts nursery, nursery, elementary and middle school.

The child was hit by the grandmother of a first grader who was moving from one parking space to another. The little girl fell to the ground hitting her head.

The shock in the school

Rescue was immediate with the doctors who intervened and resuscitated the little girl who went into cardiac arrest on the spot. Then transport to the pediatric emergency room. In shock and with some suspected fractures, the grandmother, She was also hospitalized. The accident occurred during the peak time for children to leave school, some of whom were spectators of the tragedy which they witnessed from very close quarters.

The news circulated in a very short time among the school classrooms. The teachers tried in every way to protect the little students, as well as parents, grandparents and babysitters who were in the same car park that was the scene of the tragedy.

As reported The Corriere della Sera the school, yesterday evening, sent an email to the families of the institute: “Dear parents, today in the afternoon – this is the beginning of the letter – a tragic accident occurred in the school car park, involving one of our little girls del Nido and his grandmother. We express our deepest condolences to the family with great sorrow. Words cannot express all our deep sadness. While waiting for the competent authorities to clarify the dynamics of the accident, we are organizing a psychological intervention to support the children and teachers”.

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