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Bagheria. Towards the 2024 municipal elections. Four candidates for mayor. How they went in 2019

There are now a few days left before the municipal elections of Bagheria in which the new administrators will be chosen, including the mayor and members of the municipal council. There will be four competing for the mayor’s seat: Filippo Tripoli, Tommaso Gargano, Pina Audition And Rosario Giammanco.
But how did the last municipal elections of 2019 go?
Voter turnout was very low.
We voted on Sunday 28 April 2019. They went to the polls 28,651 bagharesi, or 58.47% of the having right, of which 14,087 men and 14,564 women. They could vote 49,004 people from Bagheria: 25,277 women and 23,727 men.
In 2014 the percentage was higher: the 63.84% of those entitled (31,149 voters).
How the vote went in 2019.
In 2019 he was elected mayor in the first round Philip Tripoliwith 12,777 votes, i.e. 46.40% of the votes, thus eliminating the run-off round, obtaining over 40% of the valid votes.
He took second place Hyacinth From Stephenwith 8,578 votes, equal to 31.15%, in third Romina Aiellowith 3,128 votes, equal to 11.36%, in fourth Anthony Belvederewith 1,642 votes, with 5.96% and in fifth place Alexandra Ianniwith 1,414 preferences equal to 5.13%.
The result of the lists
The list with the most votes was “Radici Future” in support of Tripoli, with 2,894 votes, equal to 10.95%, followed by “Liberi fe forti si Cambia” with 2,583 votes, equal to 9.77%, again in support of Tripoli and in third place “Bagheria all the way” with 2,479 votes (9.38%).
The lists that supported Tripoli obtained the following votes: “Uniamo Bagheria” 2,277 votes (8.61%), “Bagheria Tricolore” 1236 votes (4.8%), “Sicily Independence Movement” 1,160 (4.39%). The lists in support of Di Stefano were: “L’Aquilone” with 2,435 votes (9.21%), “Lega Salvini Sicilia” with 2,234 votes (8.45%), “Forza Italia” with 1,703 votes (6.44 %), “Unione di Centro” 1,091 votes (4.13%), “Bagheria popular” with 847 votes (3.20%), “It will become beautiful” with 788 votes (2.98%), the Five Star list Romina Aiello’s support obtained 2,533 votes (9.58%), the “Cento passi per Aspra e Bagheri” list, Antonio Belvedere’s support obtained 1,214 votes (4.59%), and the Baaria Movement connected with Alessandra Iannì obtained 960 votes (3.63%).
The city council was made up of 14 councilors in support of Tripoli, seven from the lists that supported Di Stefano, as well as Di Stefano himself and 2 from the 5 Star Movement.

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