Italy 24 Press News

Cocaine ring in Varese and its province: two Albanians arrested

VARESE – The State Police arrested two people, seriously suspected of having set up a thriving retail cocaine dealing business in Varese and its province.
In particular, following investigative activities, the Anti-drug section of the Flying Squadhe identified a house in Induno Olonapresumably used by some citizens of Albanian nationality, dedicated to drug dealing.


Based on the information received, the policemen have carried out targeted services and stakeouts.
An initial check carried out on one of the two young people, stopped in a carallowed us to find it two doses of cocaine, packaged and ready for retail sale; a few minutes later the operators stopped the second young man, just about to leave the house. There house search gave a positive result, allowing the discovery and seizure 155 doses of cocaine ready to be sold, as well as a sum of cash of approximately 14,000 eurospresumably proceeds from drug dealing activity.

The arrest

The agents, therefore, in addition to seizure of the narcotic and money as probable proceeds of the illicit activity, they arrested both foreigners for the crime of possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine. After the validation hearing, the two were taken into care by the Immigration Office for them repatriation practices.

varese cocaine Albanians arrested – MALPENSA24
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