Italy 24 Press News

Season finale with a bang for Polisportiva Libertas Molfetta

A more than satisfactory end of the season for the Polisportiva Libertas Molfetta and its young athletes, concluded with two national finals for Judo and Karate Beginners, but above all with an Italian Vice Champion in the Karate sector.

On Sunday 2nd June, at the PalaFijlkam in Ostia, the young Tridente Gianluigi, born in 2012, took second place in the Italian Karate Championship for Beginners, Kumitè specialty, -53 Kg category. The young karateka from Molfetta, trained by the technician Antonio Coppolecchia showed a splendid performance in Kumitè, the Karate sporting combat, in his first national final. In a category that featured 71 athletes, the young Trident passed 5 qualifying rounds to reach the final. Final that saw him give way to a more experienced athlete from Catania, a year older and already in his second year of rookies, who hit him first with a kick and then with surgical punches to manage the advantage with every recovery attempt by the Molfetta native .

A final in which, however, there is little to complain about but which takes absolutely nothing away from the excellent performance of the athlete from Polisportiva Libertas Molfetta who battled in all the matches, showing great technique and athletic preparation to manage the matches, who in the Karates follow each other without major recoveries between one round and the next. As underlined by Sports Director Michele Amato, the title of Vice Italian Rookie Champion must represent an additional incentive for Gianluigi Tridente to improve and continue his sporting growth and commitment to continuous training.

An even greater stimulus must instead accompany the young class of 2011, de Robertis Cosimo, who last week was involved in the national final of the Italian Judo Beginners B (A2) Championship in Olbia, an event in which he was eliminated in the first round for a mistake of his that he was then unable to recover from. The management of matches, technical improvement and vehemence in fighting must be elements on which the young judoka, together with the instructor Alicino Sebastiano, will have to work to make the right leap in quality.

Congratulations to the athletes and instructors for the management of this season’s competitive activity, which is not yet completely over and which must give young athletes the opportunity to compare and grow, always remembering that personal results are the result of collegial work, in where in addition to the skills of the athletes, the skills of the instructors and their collaborators, the assistance of the parents who follow the athletes not without sacrifices, there is always a Sports Club behind it that puts everyone in the best conditions to train, grow and live at their passions to the maximum, even achieving prestigious results, but the importance of which is not always understood. In this vein, the Polisportiva Libertas Molfetta works with children and young people, trying to bring out the best, making the most suitable environments available and dedicating, out of passion for sport, a lot of time with its managers to the realization of dreams. Sport is fun, passion and above all sacrifice, both of those who practice it and those who manage it.

And in a constantly evolving legislative context in the context of the various sports reforms that continue to impose ever more stringent limits on sports management, amateur sports associations (which do not give up despite everything) represent even more the submerged part of the iceberg of success and local national sport.

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