Italy 24 Press News

“Books and readers in ancient Athens“, a conversation with prof. in Matera. Pinto of Uniba

A conversation with professor Massimo Pinto of Uniba to seek answers to the relationship between Città dei Sassi and books. This is the question that Fai Giovani Matera asks itself, in collaboration with the local delegation of the Italian association of classical culture. Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto, leader of the Fai Giovani Matera group, will introduce the conversation, dedicated to the theme “Books and readers in ancient Athens” and hosted at Palazzo Zicari, starting at 6.30 pm.

The presentation

The book has a very long history and our relationship with books has been very different over the centuries. An interesting chapter in this story is its progressive affirmation in ancient Athens, in the transition from a predominantly oral and poetic culture to a society that requests and appreciates texts written in prose for the many needs, not only “literary”, of the polis. With the help of some testimonies from authors of the time, we will try to better understand the place that the book had in the mentality of the Athenians of the 5th and 4th centuries BC and the relationship that the readers of the time had with the innovative object.

The meeting is part of the activities of the Prin PNRR 2022 project of the University of Bari entitled “MetaLibraries. Living Libraries for a Better Living” (directed by Professor Rosa Otranto), which promotes the dissemination and sharing of discussions on books and libraries among citizens.

The visit to the Palace

The conversation will, in fact, be preceded by an unprecedented visit to Palazzo Zicari with testimonies and narrations by professor Antonella Guida and architect Vito Porcari of the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures of the University of Basilicata.

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