Italy 24 Press News

Milan Under 23, the truth tomorrow. Is there a risk of mockery? Binda: “Yes because…”

Nicola Binda, journalist from La Gazzetta dello Sport, spoke to Milan Under 23 risks mockery. Here’s the reason

The deadline for registration for the Serie C championship has been brought forward to tomorrow, Tuesday 4 June, to avoid reaching September with any appeals: it will be necessary to submit an application for registration complete with infrastructural criteria, pay 60 thousand euros, per fee membership (2 thousand), participation in competitions (48 thousand) and Calcio Servizi fee (10 thousand), plus the presentation of a suretyship of 350 thousand euros. The Milan, for the Under 23 projecthopes for at least one waiver.

Milan Under 23, the truth tomorrow. Is there a risk of mockery? Binda: “Yes because…”

Nicola Bindajournalist from La Gazzetta dello Sportspoke to The Milan Under 23 risks mockery. Here’s the reason.

“Tuesday 4th is the deadline for registering for the championships: early deadline to avoid reaching September with appeals. Yes, but what if they all have to make it? The signs are very positive in this sense, it would be a historic result. The only club mocked could be Milanwho has the U23 project ready: but if the place doesn’t become available…”. READ ALSO: Milan transfer market – Emerson Royal completely open. He wants the Devil, but…


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