Italy 24 Press News

Monza in a year of report cards from press correspondents

Even for the recently concluded championship Monza-news analyzed the report cards, assigned by correspondents of various press outlets to the red and white players match after match. Here is the summary:

the highest average for the starting eleven is that relating to the eighth matchday, when the Monza got rid of Salernitana at the U-Power Stadium (6.59), while the highest average that includes all the players who took to the pitch is the one recorded during the victory over Milan (6.58). Conversely, the starting eleven of the Monza who had the lowest average rating was the one who was defeated by Empoli (5.26 for the starters and 5.31 for the sixteen players who played on the pitch.

Flaco and DiGre lead everyone away

And the players? In the 38 championship matches, Colpani has achieved the best average rating from the experts 9 times, the left-handed player precedes Di Gregorio by just one point, on the third step of the podium we find Pessina, Mota, Sorrentino and Djuric tied on equal merit who achieved a better average in the 3 times report cards.

The highest rating ever (8.0) was attributed to Colpani (on the occasion of the victory over Empoli), Colombo (in Verona), Mota and Pessina (with Milan), Di Gregorio (in Bologna) and Djuric ( in Rome with Lazio).

“Flaco” won the award for best red and white 9 times in 38 games

Performances to forget…

A space also for the worst rating, which was remedied by: Di Gregorio (with Fiorentina), Pessina (in Naples and Turin), Gagliardini (at home with Inter), Donati (at home with Lazio) and by Pereira-Colpani-Colombo-Carboni quartet (in Empoli).

The program Monza a city from Serie A will also be broadcast in June: the spotlight will be on the transfer market

Monza a Serie A city”, the broadcast produced by Monza-News and conducted by our director Stefano Peduzzi, will also be broadcast in June and will return as every week next Monday. The broadcast will go live from 9pm on channel 110 in Lombardy on digital terrestrial, throughout Italy and throughout Europe on Sky on channel 890 and streaming everywhere on the Monza-News Facebook channels, on our Youtube channel, on Instagram, on Twitch and on our director’s Linkedin channels. The list of guests in the studio will be announced shortly.

How to comment on the issues of Monza, a Serie A city

But how can we comment on the topics covered during the broadcast of “Monza a Serie A city”? It’s very simple: just connect to the Monza-News Facebook page or our newspaper’s YouTube channel and write your opinion during the broadcast produced by our site and hosted by our director Stefano Peduzzi. It is not possible, at least for the moment, to comment on the live broadcast on Instagram. To host the broadcast in your venue or company you need to send an email to: [email protected]

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