Italy 24 Press News

A new “popular” building in Molfetta. The council gives the ok. Now the tender –

The public housing building will be built in section 16, in the area close to the Ponente railway, the construction of which the Municipal Council gave a positive opinion in its meeting last May 29th.
It is resolution no. 91, which for many local families could mark the turning point and the possibility of having a roof in absolute dignity.

“The project – writes the Council – is to be considered of strategic importance for the Administration”, also given that the Municipality of Molfetta is included among those with high housing tension so much so that the task of prepare the tender documents.
The building, the so-called building no. 3, will also have an almost zero environmental pact, with a high rate of energy efficiency and is the first to see the light after the last ones were built 28 years ago, in 1996.

Timing is now fundamental.
The funds (over 1 million Euros, ed.) come from the Puglia Region which included Molfetta in the tender for the Sustainable Living program on 4 July 2023. And this is the date to be circled in red on the calendar: in the provision granting the money In fact, the Region requests not only the transmission of the executive project but also to proceed “within 13 months from the date of the same to the start of the works and to conclude them within 24 months from the date of the start of the works”.

However, the news doesn’t end here.
In fact, the Council also gave “address to the Manager of the 1st Budget, Assets, Subsidiaries and Institutional Services Sector for the announcement of a competition for the formation of a ranking aimed at the assignment of available public residential housing (ERP) and/or which will become available in the Municipality of Molfetta”.

Tuesday 4 June 2024


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