Italy 24 Press News

«Now make the submerged barriers»

ANCONA The operators of Bay they are ready to retreat. Much more than a step backwards and much less figuratively. The shift further towards Earth of the factories is now certain. The projects are there. Engineer Doriano Sordoni is taking care of those on the pier side. «They are ready» confirms Giada Bedinelli, owner together with her husband Giacomo Giacchetti of the Il Molo restaurant.

The only unknown: the timing. It is impossible to say now when demolitions will be able to begin. There is bureaucracy involved. «We are waiting for the permits» continues the restaurateur. There is a temporal reference, however. «It is Bolkestein’s sword of Damocles» states Federica Rubini. The retreat of the structure, in fact, in his case would free it from the nightmare of the banning of the state-owned area. «Moving backwards we would be on private land» she explains.

The timetable

Therefore, the sooner the intervention is started, the better. Furthermore, we would all leave together. Deciding on the timetable for the retreat would also have repercussions on the bathing season. «We would inevitably have to close earlier – continues Bedinelli -, because it is a huge job: demolishing and rebuilding everything to be ready for the start of the following season». In short, an operation of a certain size that must be grounded keeping in mind a rather rigid roadmap. The retreat must be done, and all operators are aligned on this. But at the same time they are aware that it is not the tool to solve coastal erosion problems.

«We are going backwards, but the sea continues to advance» points out Federica Rubini, owner of the Emilia restaurant and establishment. «Fifty years ago – she says – when my grandmother was there, we had four rows of umbrellas in front of the restaurant. People think we built on the shoreline, that’s not the case. Over the decades the sea has come further and further forward.” The dealers on the pier side are the ones who, over time, have been most affected. But the problem is also well known to colleagues on the Torre side.

The chance

«I have already done the retreat when I rebuilt my structure after the fire» explains Paolo Bonetti, owner of the factory of the same name. «But the problem is that we move backwards, but the sea comes forward» he says. Therefore, for Portonovo operators, there is only one solution. «The barriers have been overcome – reiterates Bonetti -. The Cinque Terre park, for example, did it.” A question of guidelines, then. You just need to want to make them and start planning them. «It’s all about starting the study and the approvals, this is the bulk of the process» underlines Bonetti, who also sees other positive points in the submerged reefs, as well as the protection of the coast from storm surges. «It can be used to repopulate fish, because they would create perfect places for dens – he explains -. They keep the effects of clam fishing at a distance, they are an artificial reef and would also be useful for the repopulation of mussels.” In short, there would be no negative implications for operators. «This administration is close to us and listens to us – Federica Rubini points out -, we hope it will also take into account this other need of ours».


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