Italy 24 Press News

Caserta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 5 June


Wednesday 5 June in Caserta stable and sunny weather conditions are expected for most of the day. The early hours of the morning will be characterized by a clear sky and a light breeze coming from the North – North East. Temperatures will remain around +20°C at 06:00gradually rising until it reaches i +28.1°C at 12:00 pm. Humidity will be around the 65% in the morning, decreasing throughout the day until 38% at 12:00 pm.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain clear with temperatures that will remain pleasant, around +27.8°C at 1:00 pm. The light breeze coming from the West – South West could increase slightly in intensity during the afternoon, with gusts up to 10km/h. Humidity will be maintained around the 39% in the early afternoon, and then rise slightly until 47% at 3pm.

In the evening, the sky will remain clear and temperatures will gradually drop, reaching +19°C about 11pm. The light breeze coming from the North West will bring a bit of coolness, with humidity that will remain around the 75%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Wednesday 5 June in Caserta indicates a summer day with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. Humidity will remain at medium values, while the wind will mostly be a light breeze coming from different directions. For the next few days, stable and sunny conditions are expected to remain, with temperatures remaining at similar values.

All the weather data for Wednesday 5 June in Caserta

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