Italy 24 Press News

Milan sells him to Serie A

The Rossoneri club is ready to evaluate offers for Paolo Maldini’s son: there are three Italian clubs that have put him in their sights.

The season of Daniel Maldini was characterized by two very different phases. The first anonymous a Empolithe second starring in Monza. The loan move to Brianza allowed the player to show his qualities and make a contribution to Raffaele Palladino’s team.

Daniel Maldini, uncertain future: the point (Ansa Photo) –

It’s no secret that Adriano Galliani want to buy the card of the 22-year-old attacking midfielder, linked to Milan from a contract up to June 2025. The CEO from Brianza, who boasts excellent relations with the Rossoneri management, hopes to be able to retain the player for next season. But it is not something to be taken for granted. In addition to Monza, other clubs also A league they set their sights on Maldini. And there are also some foreign ones who have carried out surveys for the son of art.

Daniel Maldini, not just Monza: Atalanta also appears

Daniel’s priority would be to stay in Italy, perhaps at Milan, but it seems that the club has other plans. His agent, Giuseppe Risoalready has a meeting scheduled with Geoffrey Moncada And Giorgio Furlani to discuss the player’s future.

Daniel Maldini, uncertain future: the point (Ansa Photo) –

One option is to renew the contract and then evaluate another loan transfer, but if offers were to arrive on 10 million euros the parties could part ways definitively in the 2024 summer transfer market. Clearly, the very close contractual deadline forces the Milan to make a decision quickly and not be able to set too high a price for the sale. Without renewal, it is normal that the offers may not be very high. If 10 million were to arrive, it would already be a good collection and would represent a full capital gain for the budget. Maldini grew up in the Rossoneri youth sector, therefore there are no registration costs to be amortized.

Maybe stay at Monza it would be the immediate solution for his immediate future. It would remain in a place it already knows and could have continuity, although it must be said that Palladino he will leave (it seems to Fiorentina) and we will need to understand which coach will arrive in Brianza. It would be difficult for Daniel to remain insensitive to any proposals Rome And Atalanta. Especially a square like Bergamo can attract him, given that Gian Piero Gasperini he is very good at enhancing his players. Furthermore, the Goddess will do it Champions League.

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