Italy 24 Press News

Pd, the flop of Schlein’s square: few people, many currents

Other than Piazza del Popolo, Elly Schlein’s PD barely fills half of Piazza Testaccio. Despite there being nomenclature, leaders and various apparatuses, the rally in the capital, defined by some big names as “the other Republic Day”, turns out to be a failure. Apart from Furfaro’s usual artful shot, the truth is that Schlein starts half an hour late because the volunteers don’t know who to give the flags to. Many remain under the gazebo. The important thing, the organizers reiterate, is to look good in front of the cameras. Smiles don’t abound, not only because of the packed house that wasn’t there, but above all because of a real internal feud that divides the Democratic Party in Central Italy. The first to arrive is the mayor of Pesaro Matteo Ricci who, for almost an hour, wanders under the stage to shout in the ears of those present: «I am Bettini’s candidate, help me». Even if there is no trace of the inevitable Goffredo. There is, however, the usual Covassi who “dumps” the rebel Marco Tarquinio for the new protégé of the man with the dog and the stick. Laureti, however, is left alone near the barriers. None of the first arrivals will speak.

Read also: White Zone, Capezzone nails the Democratic Party: “Where were they today”, double moral on June 2nd

The one who steals the show is the former director of Avvenire, a pacifist on the outside and a warmonger on the inside. Among the few to speak on stage, he admits that his «play is tiring». A message probably addressed to the secretary, who had downloaded it on TV a few hours earlier, saying that “his position on NATO was not that of the party”. Likewise, his unusual language appeals to the common people. Nicola Zingaretti notices this, for it is not enough for Bonafoni to distribute holy cards without being seen. To be group leader in Brussels you need an important result, that is to come third: the only way to become group leader of the socialists in Brussels. Which is why he intervenes with his usual verve, but then takes it out on Boccia and Braga, who, in his opinion, are disengaging. In short, “the celebration of the Constitution” for Elly’s reds is all poisonous. “The battle for the premiership and autonomy” is not enough to put aside the now daily feuds between motions.

Read also: In half an hour, Schlein’s embarrassment about Tarquino: “He doesn’t express the Democratic Party’s line”

Among the few present the only argument is: remove this, put that. All this while the big names on the left, such as former minister Speranza, Orfini and D’Attorre, are left outside and sulking from the VIP enclosure. In the reserved area, however, things are no better. More than one Covassi or Ricci would have wanted to have their say. Instead, only Paiotti, Rondinelli, Insolera, Tarquinio and the inevitable Zinga speak before the secretary, applauded, but not too much. The only ones who were enthusiastic were the few CGIL comrades present when Elly sang Bella Ciao and said she was proud of her “anti-fascist identity”. Some attentive old men, however, reply: «Now how does Franceschini (another great absentee from Testaccio) take it?». Not even the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, his protégé for the future secretariat, is in the Roman square. There are, however, men and women from Elly, who, having noticed the undisputed flop, try to mistake what was supposed to be the anti-Piazza del Popolo on Friday, which later became the other 2 June, for a neighborhood rally.

Read also: Dario Nardella: “I respect all the dem candidates but I don’t agree with Tarquinio”

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