Italy 24 Press News

“MOONLIGHT APERITIF” to raise funds for the purchase of an ultrasound machine for the breast clinic in Brindisi

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The “MOONLIGHT APERITIF” event will be held on Thursday 6 June 2024, at 7.00 pm, at the LEGA NAVALE in Brindisi. This event is organized by the Tonino Di Giulio Foundation, by the CSV Brindisi-Lecce, and by the network of Onco-Hematological Associations, with the patronage of the City of Brindisi, Europa Donna Italia and Europa Donna Puglia.

The objective of the event is to raise funds to purchase an ultrasound machine to donate to the ASL Senology clinic in via Dalmazia, Brindisi. It is essential to support doctors and healthcare personnel who work with dedication and great professionalism with our concrete help. To do their job best, updated and increasingly sensitive equipment is needed.

The ultrasound machine we hope to purchase is a latest generation device, capable of offering a wide range of applications and excellent images, extremely sensitive to even the smallest details. We have decided to support the breast clinic in via Dalmazia, an irreplaceable facility for prevention, screening and to respond to the continuous requests for breast examinations by many women and, in some cases, also men who are unable to carry them out for several years. reasons, including waiting lists and increasingly frequently for economic reasons.

We are certain that the sensitivity of citizens, entrepreneurs, public and private companies, professional associations, associations and service clubs will once again provide support. During the pandemic, in fact, we quickly managed to purchase a wireless radiological device for the Perrino hospital in Brindisi, intended for carrying out radiological investigations on bedridden patients who could not be moved from intensive care.

We thank the press for their support and constant professional commitment to the associations’ initiatives and we will promptly inform citizens of the progress of the fundraising. We also thank those who have already joined with donations and participated in the various initiatives carried out in Brindisi and the province.

Raffaella Argentieri

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