Italy 24 Press News

Asti, the president of the Order of Engineers investigated for fraud

In mid-May the searches and in recent days the notification of the seizure of 29 buildings with two profiles of charges brought by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Asti and Turin. On the one hand that of fraudulent evasion of taxes and on the other the degree theses and research projects of those enrolled at the Polytechnic resold to obtain tax credits through the companies Maga Engineering, Maga Ricerche and Maga Sas.

At the center of the story is an important name in the professional engineering world of Asti: Marco Allegretti, current president of the Order of Engineers of Asti, professor at the Polytechnic of Turin and 5 Star Movement candidate in the regional elections.

Although, in a note received a little while ago, Marco Allegretti states that he wants to take a step back in terms of his political candidacy to protect the Movement. This is the text of his position statement: «I have learned of an investigation that would involve me, but I am certain of the transparency of my actions. I am also convinced that this investigation will also conclude favorably for me and that, in this case too, the only legal aftermath will be the complaints that I have already been forced to file to defend my honor.
However, the ethical rigor and professional seriousness that characterize me push me to immediately take a step back: the need to clarify these alleged disputes as soon as possible leads me to withdraw from the electoral competition. I don’t want to embarrass the M5S in any way and I want to prevent these allegations from being used to exploit its political action.”

In mid-May, searches were carried out on Marco Allegretti, his father Giuseppe, their long-standing accountant, a retired Polytechnic professor and a young researcher.

On the investigation front, the Prosecutor’s Office maintains the strictest confidentiality but it emerges that the investigation started from a massive audit by the Revenue Agency which, entering into the family accounts, hypothesized anomalies with a dispute of unpaid taxes of around 2 million euros.

With at the center what is hypothesized to be the tax credit scam because consulting “packages” were created by drawing from the degree theses of students at the Polytechnic of Turin and from university projects and sold to companies with a 50% deduction.

A way to create credit in which around ten companies are involved, with tens of millions of euros in turnover. The hypothesized crimes are those of issuing and using invoices for operations that do not exist for undue compensation.

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