Italy 24 Press News

Emergency room allowance / The proposal of the Fp Cgil Medici Lombardia

The regional secretary Bruno Zecca explains the union platform by trying to intercept, with a online questionnairethe doctors and the emergency room doctors

June 3 2024 – How to distribute the economic resources that compensate emergency room doctors in Lombardy? The regional FP Cgil Medici, with secretary Bruno Zecca, has an alternative platform, starting from the method, to that of the Lombardy Region.

Let’s start with what does the Region propose to the table?

“The Region wants to define the Emergency Room services by delegating the criteria to each individual Asst and distribute the compensation asymmetrically between the social and healthcare companies, on the basis of data whose consistency it does not verify”, replies Zecca.

What does this entail?

“The risk that the resources will go to compensate other doctors but not those in the emergency room. A distribution that would lead to the paradox, in some Assts, of giving only 40% of the economic recognition to medical professionals on the front line in the Emergency Department. Not only that – adds the trade unionist -, we would also have fewer arrears for the years 2022-24, because they would be distributed ‘in a rainstorm’ manner. Furthermore, a patchy situation in the emergency room services could further reduce the attractiveness of some hospital facilities compared to others”.

What does the FP Cgil propose instead?

“To define unique criteria to identify emergency room services throughout Lombardy. To do this, a meeting point between the positions of all the trade unions is necessary at the table. And we ask that the data provided by the Asst on the number of ‘institutional shifts’ are transparent and adhere to these criteria – underlines Zecca -. Furthermore, this would greatly simplify the work of the company’s integrative bargaining, which would only have the burden of verifying the distribution on the basis of the shifts actually worked”.

What results would the FP Cgil proposal bring?

“Higher salaries for doctors who work in that healthcare frontier which is the emergency-urgency and greater arrears for the three-year period 2022-2024. One of our objectives is that in all hospitals in Lombardy we can guarantee a minimum threshold of 6 euros per hour for the emergency room allowance”.

Who is the allowance aimed at?

“To the doctors who work: in general and pediatric multi-specialist emergency rooms; in the OBI, the Short Intensive Observation Units, belonging to the EDs; in mobile emergency vehicles 118. I would add that we have made ourselves available to an agreement that also recognizes the inconvenience of other doctors working in the emergency department services, as long as they are exclusively dedicated to them (see radiology services)”.

The next steps?

“We want make the position of the FP CGIL known as much as possible and ask all the doctors in the sector to support it so that it has more strength at the discussion table. This is why we are spreading a flyer with a short online questionnaire to intercept all the emergency room doctors and doctors. Even though we’re talking about money right now, it’s crucial to keep the focus on focus of the issue or the difficult working conditions. This is why we are pushing for this allowance to recognize elements such as: the complexity of a multi-specialist approach to user needs, the high number and clinical complexity of accesses, the role in the emergency-urgency networks, the overload of psycho-psychological work physical, boarding (when, in the absence of free beds in the hospital departments, the patient stops in the emergency room – ed.), high clinical risk and work-related stress. A situation that is increasingly causing the rate of job abandonments to rise. A real change of direction – claims Zecca – is only possible through a clear vision of the system and a strong push from below”.

-> PS FP CGIL Compensation Platform

-> Flyer

-> Fill out the online questionnaire

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