Italy 24 Press News

CISL School in Caivano: ‘The best skills where they are needed most’

As planned for some time, they took place on May 30th in Caivano, at the Istituto Comprensivo n. 3 “Green Park”, the works of the national General Council of the CISL School, in the presence of the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, who gave the final speech.

A school that abandons no one” is the slogan chosen to characterize the work of the day, which opened with the introductory report by the CISL Scuola general secretary, Ivana Barbacci, and which also saw the participation of Don Maurizio Patriciello, parish priest of Caivano.

Our presence today in Caivano has a precise meaning – explained Ivana Barbacci – which is not only the maintenance of a commitment made months ago with the school managers who spoke with their precious testimony to our National Assembly: we are here to reiterate the need to support as much as possible the work that the school carries out in the most critical areas under the socio-educational profile. In Caivano, but also in many other areas of the country. Schools which, due to the particular conditions in which they operate, carry out a fundamental task to guarantee the right to study, to combat and contain dropouts and dropouts, to build an active and responsible citizenship, thus removing the obstacles to the effective freedom and equality of which we are article 3 of the Constitution speaks”.

The presence at the works of Don Patriciello was significant, as in recent days, perhaps due to the gratitude he publicly expressed to Giorgia Meloni for the interventions carried out in Caivano, he had been mocked by Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania Region, who had defined him as the “Pippo Baudo from the northern area of ​​Naples with relative bangs”.

Also worthy of note is the decisive stance taken by the CISL school in favor not only of a “adequate and constant training support for staff working in areas of the most acute educational emergency” But say “incentives and recognition for the particular severity of the work carried out, in a logic that aims to encourage the presence of the best skills where they are most needed”. An explicit openness to the differentiation of salaries, and perhaps to professional development, until now a taboo for trade unions, and not just confederal ones. We will see. On this matter, secretary Barbacci said, “clear and coherent choices are also needed on a contractual level, which I hope we can start thinking about as soon as possible”. A promising intention.


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