Italy 24 Press News

Campi Flegrei, “up to the gates of Moscow”: risks and scenarios according to the popularizer

More information for citizens, greater training opportunities for municipal technicians, strengthening of gathering areas, reduction of obstacles to escape routes: these are some of the measures developed by the mayors of the Phlegraean area, which continues to be hit by earthquakes of earthquake. Having noted by the INGV experts that there is no risk of the magma rising again, all the actions necessary to make the verification phases of the buildings and the relationship with citizens more manageable have been evaluated. It was discussed on Zona Bianca, the politics and current affairs program of Rete 4, where (among others) the science communicator Luigi Bignami spoke. “Is it true that that is one of the most dangerous areas in the world?” asked the host.

Read also: Zona Bianca, Capezzone and the real risk of the Campi Flegrei: it’s not earthquakes

“Absolutely yes. It is a supervolcano, one of the hundred that are on Earth. About ten of these are still active and the Campi Flegrei are among them. We talk about bradyseism, but from zero to one hundred that is the problem 0.5”, he said the expert answered directly. “Everything else is the problem of the volcano, which does not end on land but continues into the sea”, he specified. “When it really and very violently exploded 40 thousand years ago, the ashes reached the gates of Moscow. Another eruption occurred 20 thousand years ago and another 15 thousand. The last one arrived in 1538 and, in that case, the ground rose by five metres. We are talking about very small variations over the course of a year that give rise to your problem”, he said, but now we need to think about “the seriousness of the problem in its real dimension”.

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