Italy 24 Press News

a success of environmental education for young people

The “1 June Green” project took place on 1 June at the headquarters of the Maria Madre della Redempzione APS Association, transformed, for the occasion, into a lively learning and entertainment center for around 50 children and young people, aged between 4 and 12 years old, with the presence of their parents. The day, entirely dedicated to environmental education and sustainability, saw young participants engaged in a series of activities, workshops and games designed to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

The event began with a warm welcome from the Association’s volunteers, followed by a brief introduction on the planned activities and the importance of environmental sustainability.

One of the most appreciated moments was the creative recycling workshop, where the children transformed waste materials into artistic objects. Plastic bottles, cardboard and old newspapers have been transformed into colorful sculptures and useful objects, demonstrating how recycling can be not only useful but also fun.

The day continued with outdoor eco-friendly games, designed to be both educational and fun. An ecological treasure hunt saw the children busy solving riddles to build the motto of the day “Sustainability is not a utopia and can no longer be postponed”

The President of the Association, Antonio Afeltra expressed his appreciation for the success of the event “The energy and curiosity that the children brought to each activity were contagious. From creative recycling workshops to ecological games, every moment contributed to create tangible awareness about ecology. It was wonderful to see how the children learned while having fun”

With the “1 June Green” event, the Maria Madre della Redempzione APS Association has once again demonstrated its commitment and effectiveness in promoting fundamental values ​​such as respect for the environment and solidarity. Looking to the future, the association aims to continue to grow, expanding its activities and involving more and more people.

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