Italy 24 Press News

Healthcare, 219 new OSS and 165 drivers in Calabria but they are “late and insufficient hires”

COSENZA – “Finally President/Commissioner Occhiuto has signed the decree, with which he authorizes the Calabrian health companies to hire 219 new OSS and 165 new Drivers. This act, which arrives in mid-2024, actually refers to the hiring plan relating to the 2024 year. This means that, just to be able to have the authorization to carry out new hires for the current year, the Healthcare Companies had to wait 5 months”.

I’m writing it in a note Giuseppe Guido – General Secretary CGIL Pollino Sibaritide Tirreno e Vincenzo Casciaro – General Secretary FP CGIL Pollino Sibaritide Tirreno who specifies how “further months will pass to complete the entire hiring plan. In practice, the shortages of personnel (in this case of OSS and drivers), already reported by the Health Authorities to the Regional Commissioner for some time, can only be partially satisfied in the second half of the year, if all goes well. Not only! The Commissioner/President also announced the allocation of a further 26 million euros, to be divided among the Calabrian healthcare companies, to hire additional professional figures yet to be identified.

We are now at the paradox: throughout public healthcare there is a shortage of every type of worker, as both the territorial CGIL and the FP CGIL have been denouncing for years; but, neverthelessthe President/Commissioner only today authorizes the hiring of part of the necessary staff, which should have already been hired at the beginning of the year. And, again, resources are allocated to make hires that have not yet been planned, and which should have been identified at the beginning of the year.

While waiting for Occhiuto’s slowness, in the meantime the local health system continues to fail, as demonstrated by the severe OSS deficiency from Castrovillari Surgery, which forces nurses to carry out tasks that are not their responsibility, distracting them from their services. Or as it proves the alarming shortage of staff in the Corigliano-Rossano hospitals: here there is a lack of Doctors, Nurses, OSS, Technicians, Administrative. But the President/Commissioner should be well informed of all this, considering his electoral tours in the city, useful in trying to gather votes for the President of the Regional Health Commission, certainly not in solving the serious problems of the city’s and Calabria’s healthcare system.

Calabria is tired of being made fun of; Healthcare is too important an issue to continue to be postponed from month to month, from year to year. The hirings foreseen by the DCA n. 102 of May 20th, are late and insufficient; moreover, a good part of them will fill the further gaps that are being created in the meantime, following retirements.

The President/Commissioner, who in words should have turned Calabrian healthcare inside out, is actually contributing to healthcare desertification. In fact, local medicine has almost disappeared, and prevention is no longer practiced. While the Calabrian citizens – concludes the union – continue their journeys of hope: the public expenditure of our Region for healthcare migration has reached the record figure of 300 million per year, which is added to the millions of euros that the citizens pay out of their own pockets for travel, overnight stays and anything else outside the region. An increasingly unsustainable cost, which enriches the richest regions and which will never be returned to the Calabrians. Instead of chasing electoral campaigns, the President/Commissioner takes charge of Calabria’s health problems, which has now reached rock bottom, and unlock in time any necessary hiring to fill the staff gaps in the bloodless Calabrian healthcare system”.

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