Italy 24 Press News

«Asking Mattarella to resign is serious and unworthy»

FOGGIA – «It is an unworthy controversy, requesting the resignation of President Mattarella is something that cannot be commented on, so serious and so inconclusive». The president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte said this in Foggia. Conte added that «an electoral campaign, however loud one may raise its tone and one may even act instrumentally, does not justify such a request. President Mattarella said some obvious things. We are in Europe and we simply need to go to Europe with our heads held high and not like this government which accepted the Franco-German proposal which even involves cuts of 13 billion a year”

«We must stay in Europe and obviously national interests must also be defended. And we have demonstrated that by defending national interests we have defended a turning point in Europe with next generation for everyone”, added the president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte in Foggia.

«The M5s is the only Italian political force that voted no to a further shipment of weapons and also no to the 13 billion healthcare cuts imposed by the stability pact». The president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte said this in Foggia for an electoral tour. «We – he added – always act coherently. We have been fighting for years to install a legal minimum and we have been fighting for years so that workers can receive adequate pay. And now we will fight for the reduction of working hours to 32 hours.”

“We don’t fear anyone but not out of arrogance or presumption, simply because our proposals, our political action, have been consistent for years.”
«We are the only ones in Europe – he continued – who among the Italian forces in the European Parliament voted no to the sending of new weapons, no to the stability pact. We are the only ones who are not involved in corruption investigations, the only ones who have not appeared on the unpresentable lists: we fear no one, we only invite citizens not to consider us equal to everyone else.”

“There is the possibility of playing, of competing for a statement” which “would be important even in these municipalities”. The president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte said this in the afternoon in Foggia, answering a question relating to the electoral campaign in the municipalities of Foggia that are going to vote. «Because when the M5S goes and takes on the responsibilities of governing a city, a region – he highlighted – it is first and foremost a guarantee of transparency for citizens, a guarantee of respecting legality, of combating any form of malfeasance, a guarantee that in any case all the initiatives will be to the benefit of the citizens.”
«Then – he underlined – many issues are also complex, there is no magic wand, but already the guarantee of working in the interests of citizens and not as we are seeing for some corruptor, some embezzler, for mafia or criminal infiltration to guarantee from some entrepreneur friends, this in itself is a great guarantee.”

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