Italy 24 Press News

“Never happened in 20 years of De Laurentiis”, what is it about

Very little is missing for Antonio Conte’s announcement, SKY Sport has released a final indiscretion on the Azzurri environment.

TOUrelio De Laurentiis he recently returned from Spain. The owner of Napoli is now preparing to announce Antonio Conte, for which the contract has now been closed and defined. The former Inter and Juventus coach from Salento will be the man of the re-foundation, the one who will try to erase the last year, the worst of the last 15 years.

Conte will be the highest paid coach in the history of Napoli, confirming the immense esteem of De Laurentiis, who has been courting the coach for months now, or rather, since last November, when he tried to entrust him with the Azzurri bench in the process of sacking Rudi Garcia.

Conte – Naples, what enthusiasm in the club: the latest news from SKY Sport

The closure of the agreement between Conte and Napoli has inevitably rekindled the situation, disappointed by the last 12 months in which they never had the feeling of being able to defend such a hard-earned tricolour. It’s practically already Conte – mania under the shadow of Vesuvius, a mania that will continue to grow week by week.

Francesco Modugnojournalist for SKY Sports, has released new updates on the matter through the microphones of the aforementioned broadcaster. This is the thought on the corporate sensations regarding Conte’s arrival:

“Paradoxically, Napoli have never had this strength. Record in revenues, balance sheet reserves and profits, the sale of will also be record Osimhenwho will say goodbye to Naples for 130 millions of euros, value of the termination clause. We will have to return to the Champions League, but without setting limits in the championship, all while maintaining the club’s philosophy: budget, salary and development of the squad.”.

Then, the passage on the feelings of Conte himself, according to Modugno fully enthusiastic about the challenge chosen in recent months to return to great football:

“Conte is intrigued by all this: he is a man from the south, he wants to win here. A bench that has had other prestigious names, there will be continuity in this sense: Benitez, Sarri, Spalletti. There are many sensations: joy, amazement, beauty and pain to be erased. Conte is a sign, De Laurentiis has guaranteed him a project, sporting director Manna is developing it.”

Antonio Conte, the announcement of the hiring of the Salento coach is expected soon – LaPresse-

In short, the environment seems loaded with buckshot. We could define it as the “Conte Effect”, an effect that can only be created by high-sounding names, a guarantee of success and competitiveness, everything that Napoli has so damnedly lacked since the post-Scudetto onwards. The lesson, however bitter, seems to have been learned.

Article modified 2 Jun 2024 – 19:46

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