Italy 24 Press News

Team Altamura, the red and whites will play at San Nicola di Bari: the announcement of mayor Petronella

All that was missing was the official announcement and it finally arrived. Team Altamura will play its home Serie C matches at San Nicola in Bari and the mayor of the city Vitantonio Petronella announced it. These are the words of the mayor of Altamura:

«We inform you that for the next 2024-25 season, the Team Altamura team, newly won in LEGA PRO, has obtained the availability to play its home matches at the “San Nicola” Stadium in Bari. As is known, the Administration municipality has already approved the project for the redevelopment, energy efficiency and adaptation of the “Tonino D’Angelo” Municipal Stadium, which will be subjected to restyling works in order to make it suitable for the approval of the FIGC-LEGA PRO regulations in the coming months. The Mayor Prof. Vitantonio Petronella, having taken note of the entry into Serie C of the “Team Altamura” team and the great enthusiasm of the fans and the city, has strongly committed himself to supporting the club in seeking alternative solutions to the use of an approved stadium, in order to submit the team registration by June 3rd. In this regard, having obtained the favorable opinion of the “Bari Calcio” club, a discussion was awaited from the provincial order and safety committee, which positively accepted the proposal. For this reason, the Administration thanks, on behalf of the city, the Prefect of Bari, Dr. Francesco Russo and the Police Commissioner of Bari Dr. Giovanni Signer, as well as all the offices, for the availability, professionalism and commitment shown in this matter.”

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