Italy 24 Press News

Republic Day in Caserta, “students hope for the country”

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It took place this morning at Caserta, in front of the war memorial in via Unità d’Italia, the traditional commemorative ceremony to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic. The prefect of Caserta Giuseppe Castaldo and the mayor of Caserta Carlo Marine, with the participation of all the civil, military and religious authorities, paid homage to the fallen by placing a laurel wreath. A large representation of students from the school was present “Giannone” high school in Casertawith the usual tricolor “flag” deployed on Corso Trieste, dei “Manzoni” and “Diaz” high schools, of the “Mattei” professional institute and of the “Terra di Lavoro” commercial institute of Caserta, of the “Pizzi” scientific high school of Capua, of the “Quercia” state high school of Marcianise and of the state high school “Segre” of San Cipriano d’Aversa. Prefect Castaldo, after reading the message from the President of the Republic, then presented the gold medal to the Chief Sergeant Major of the Italian Army Luca Patrician, recognized as a “victim of terrorism” for an attack suffered in Nasiriyah, and the honors for “Merit of the Italian Republic” conferred by the President of the Republic on citizens of the province of Caserta. The intervention of the young Marias was particularly moving Zagaria, John Scialdone and Emanuela Weaver, awarded by the Head of State as “Standards of the Republic” for having distinguished themselves thanks to their activity in favor of the world of culture, the school community and in saving human lives, who told the public about their experience, bringing a message to their peers of civil commitment and solidarity towards others. The ceremony continued in Piazza Vanvitelli, where the orchestra and choir performed “Domenico Cirillo” classical and musical high school in Aversa, performing some songs in the presence of the authorities and citizens. The Fire Brigade of the Caserta Provincial Command have hung the tricolor on the facade of the Prefecture building. The Prefect, in thanking the authorities and citizens present, expressed great appreciation “to the Standard Bearers of the Republic and to all the young people present, who constitute the hope for the future of our country”inviting them “to follow positive models inspired by the founding values ​​of the Constitution, which we celebrate on Republic Day”.

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