Italy 24 Press News

Asti: Republic Day honors women

The memory of the first election by universal suffrage, with the women who lined up in 1946, serious and conscientious in exercising that “first time” of voting for women, was the common thread of the celebration of June 2nd which took place held this morning in the central Piazza San Secondo.

The highest institutional ceremony in Italy which saw the Prefect Claudio Ventrice surrounded for a day by the mayors of the Asti municipalities and by representatives of law enforcement agencies, associations, institutions, schools and bodies from across the province. A moment of affirmation of the democratic state which, the Prefect recalled, must always be defended, without taking anything for granted.

In the background the extraordinary façade of the Collegiate Church and the enormous tricolor hanging from the crane of the Asti Fire Brigade.

And it was a young woman, with an already brilliant university career, who handed over the tricolor which the carabinieri hoisted for the flag raising. She is Dr. Kejsi Berbiu, a graduate in Government Sciences and Organization and Management of Human Resources who worked as a volunteer at the Asti prison, accompanying a group of inmates towards obtaining their three-year degree. She was a member of the Student Movement for International Organization and was committed to promoting international politics by organizing events to bring young people closer to the world of political participation. You recently obtained recognition as a young talent from Italian universities from the America Youth Award.

Women were also discussed in some passages read by students: Kantar Burzik, Paolo Destefanis, Matteo Gianotti, Emanuele Giacomini.

And the Prefect spoke about women in his speech, providing an effective review of the meaning of the June 2nd holiday, the date which represents the first exercise of power by the sovereign people. Also quoting Paola Cortellesi’s film to outline the condition of women in those years and to express satisfaction by looking at more and more women, today, at the top of society.

Dr. Ventrice also quoted the President of the Republic Mattarella recalling his recent visit to Asti on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Gianni Goria who loved to say: «The task of a democracy is not so much to establish where we go, but how we go there. We need freedom, solidarity and respect to give security to change.”

He then addressed the many mayors present in the square, repeating once again: «You are heroes. I told you this two years ago when I took office and today I am still more convinced of it than ever. I promised you that I would be your lighthouse, I did everything I could to keep my word.” Remembering, with no small pride, that we had established, for example, a year ago the control room for access to Pnrr funds 12 months ahead of the Government’s very recent decision. And then a moment of personal emotion, in thanking all the Prefecture staff who followed him in his work and, in particular, his personal assistant Graziella Cirio.

The ceremony also saw an interesting and spectacular demonstration of the work of the dogs of the Asti prison dog unit with the simulation of drug searches.

The honorees

Then the delivery of the honors of Knights of the Republic also went to high officials of the Prefecture of Asti with the related reasons.

Knight Maggiorino Barbero

Doctor with great experience and excellent professional qualities, specialist in Obstetrics/Gynecology and Oncology; since September 1998 he has held the position of Director of the Complex Organizational Structure of Obstetrics/Gynaecology and, since 2007, of Director of the Mother and Child Department of the ASL-AT.

Head of the Breast Unit of Asti in the south-eastern quadrant.

A highly esteemed and appreciated person for his exceptional commitment to his professional activity and public life, during his career he has promoted, organized and participated in numerous conferences of national and international importance dedicated to gynecological oncological pathology.

Author of over 200 scientific publications, Dr. Barbero also works as a teacher Gynecological surgery at the Specialization School of the University of Turin and as part of the Nursing Degree course activated at the Universities of Asti and Turin.

He was the President of the Italian Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology for eight years.

Considered one of the specialists of excellence of the Asti hospital, in addition to his intense professional activity, Doctor Barbero is very involved in the social field: for over fifteen years he has participated, as a volunteer and for charitable purposes, in the activities of the NGO “Patologi Oltre Frontiera ”. In this capacity, in Zambia, he coordinated and still coordinates a cervical cancer prevention project which has made it possible to safeguard the health of many African women.

He was also involved in a project to support a pediatric oncology department in Ivory Coast.

Finally, it organized a pilot project in Albania for the prevention of cervicocarcinoma.

Knight Silvana Bertolotti

Dr. Bertolotti held the position of function manager at the company “Asti Servizi Pubblici SpA” until her retirement.

During the health emergency he held the role of President of a retirement home, working on a voluntary basis and completely free of charge.

Highly esteemed for the intense activity carried out at the service of the Asti community, she is a member of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Municipality of Asti and, in this capacity, she has worked to raise awareness among women victims of violence to highlight their state of discomfort and ask the necessary support.

She has been a member of the National Association of Honorees of Chivalry (ANIOC) since 1999, of which she currently holds the role of Delegate for Asti and its province.

Implementing the purpose of the Association, it holds meetings with students of secondary schools to explore issues of civic education and the Constitution.

Knight Manuela Cognazzo

Mrs. Cognazzo, who has been responsible for archive services at the Prefecture of Asti since 2001, has always stood out for her exceptional commitment and the precious support she constantly provides to colleagues and managers.

Equipped with a very high sense of duty and capable of maximum confidentiality, she provides a contribution of considerable importance on a daily basis, unconditionally offering her availability to guarantee timely care of the multiple and delicate tasks entrusted to her.

In addition to her extraordinary dedication and tireless commitment, Mrs. Cognazzo is a person highly appreciated and esteemed for her moral and human qualities, thanks to which she always interacts in a polite and courteous way with all the numerous citizens who pass through the the threshold of the Territorial Government Office, contributing to the creation of a serene and harmonious working climate.

Knight Colonel Paolo Lando

Colonel of the Carabinieri Paolo LANDO, who has been at the top of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri since September 2022, has held multiple positions in Italy and abroad during his career, gaining varied experience in various theaters of operation, including Afghanistan, Bosnia Herzegovina and Djibouti.

For the various and delicate activities carried out, he was awarded numerous merits and received several “Commendations”, which highlighted his very high sense of duty, tireless enthusiasm and total dedication, characteristics which contributed to the consolidation of the prestige and of the image of the Army, exalting, in all circumstances, its role of closeness to the population.

The command action of Col. Lando, exercised, even in the most critical and delicate situations, with exceptional tenacity, was decisive both in the investigative and information activities and in those of prevention and control of the territory, allowing the achievement of gratifying results. operational.

In particular, on the occasion of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Asti in November 2022, the excellent organization of services prepared by Col. Lando allowed the safe management of a particularly delicate event, whose national resonance attracted thousands of people to our province of visitors.

Knight Paolo Mastrocola

Doctor Mastrocola has been serving at the Prefecture of Asti since 1989, where he has held numerous delicate roles, always obtaining meritorious results.

In the past he has been appointed Extraordinary Commissioner several times in municipalities in the province, following procedures for the dissolution of municipal bodies.

He currently carries out the functions of manager and coordinator of the Accounting Office, financial management, contractual activities and general services, as well as manager of the Provincial Electoral Office.

For his innate interpersonal skills, as well as for the vast technical-professional culture he possesses, Dr. Mastrocola has also earned great esteem in external environments, where his figure and commitment are particularly appreciated.

A person of great sensitivity, Dr. Mastrocola has for many years held the position of auditor, free of charge, of the non-profit association ANFASS of Asti, dedicated to supporting people with disabilities and their families.

Currently, Dr. Mastrocola is also President of the Board of Auditors of the “Centro di Studi Alfieriani” Foundation of Asti.

Knight Lara Maria Quattrone

Having entered the Interior Administration in 2010, Dr. Quattrone has held the position of Chief of Staff of the Prefect of Asti since June 2019 with competence and dedication.

Over the course of the five-year period, he also directed the Civil Protection Office and the offices relating to the areas of decriminalization and immigration of the Asti Prefecture.

An official of undisputed seriousness and professionalism and of excellent cultural depth, Dr. Quattrone has constantly demonstrated remarkable managerial and organizational skills, providing an essential contribution for the better exercise of prefectural functions in a period of time that has seen the Territorial Office of the Government engaged on the front line in the management of events of great social impact and notable institutional importance.

In addition to the acumen and lively intelligence displayed in the performance of the many tasks carried out, Doctor Quattrone stands out for her excellent human and moral qualities, which have made her become, in a short time, a solid point of reference for colleagues and for all the staff of the Asti Prefecture.

Knight Marco Scaglione

A doctor with great experience and excellent professional qualities, Dr. Scaglione specializes in Cardiology and currently holds the positions of Director of the Complex Organizational Structure (SOC) of Cardiology of the Cardinal Massaia Hospital in Asti and Director of the Department of Medicine.

Furthermore, he is a professor at the School of Specialization in Cardiovascular Diseases of the University of Verona for the teaching of “Pediatric Arrhythmology” and at the Franco Granone Institute CIICS (Italian Center for Experimental Clinical Hypnosis) in Turin for train cardiologist students in the use of hypnosis. He is also a consultant for the pediatric cardiology division of the Gaslini Pediatric Hospital in Genoa and the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin for the performance of interventional procedures on complex arrhythmias in the pediatric population. At the Asti Hospital he developed, among the first in the world, techniques to reduce and/or avoid the use of radiation, especially in the pediatric population.

Thanks to his intense research activity, Dr. Scaglione has published numerous articles in national and international journals and has been the author and co-author of books and monographs as well as a reviewer for various international sector magazines.

Alongside his intense professional activity, Dr Scaglione has always made his extensive knowledge and experience available, engaging, also as a volunteer, in public and private structures.

(Ago photo report)

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