Italy 24 Press News

Perugia Hospital: rewritten the tender for the assignment of the bar service

02 Jun 2024 13:09

by Giovanni Cardarello

The story linked to the management of the bar of the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia is enriched with a new episode. A story that began last December when a serious fact emerged. The fact, specifically, concerns the old management of the service and, in particular, the failure to reimburse the hospital administration for the advance payment of electricity and water bills. An oversight or presumed such that lasted about ten years, from 2013 to 2023, and which did not fail to raise important political controversies. But not only. The failure to reimburse the utilities, with a total estimated value of approximately 1 million 850 thousand euros, alerted the Court of Auditors which started an investigation into possible damage to the treasury.

The direct and immediate consequence was to ban the service again. The tender for the management of the service was issued on 13 December and is divided into three distinct lots. It has as its object ‘Community open procedure, in analogous application of the art. 71 Legislative Decree no. 36/2023, for the awarding of the concession, divided into three lots, of the internal bar management service of the Perugia hospital and of the service of administration of hot and cold food and drinks and basic hygiene products through automatic dispensers. The lots specifically are number A02D382F89 for a value of 1,276,000 euros, number A02D3A084D for 1,626,000 euros and number A02D3B8C1A for 49,000 euros. For a total of 2,951,000 euros. But the first batch did not have an easy life and the new chapter of the story developed on its management.

A chapter in which one of the companies interested in participating in the tender raised an exception with respect to the award criterion. In essence, we read in the edition on newsstands today Courier of Umbria, the appellant company contested the maximum price award criterion for the tender. Going into more detail, the Perugia newspaper always explains, the company intending to participate in the tender contests the request for documentation, typical of a tender awarded with the criterion of the best value for money, different documentation compared to that necessary for a tender with maximum upward criterion. A doubt of form but clearly of substance, what is the actual criterion? Hence, having assessed the situation, the self-defense suspension of the notice by Santa Maria della Misericordia, a suspension which occurred last February, and the rewriting of the notice itself. The new, and hopefully definitive, version of the tender notice for lot A02D382F89 has been published in recent days and is fully operational. Now the procedure seems complete and the tender can start regularly.

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