Italy 24 Press News

Florence is the most fined Italian city

Florence “crowned” queen of speed camera fines. Approximately 18.7 million euros, more than double the second which is Milan. The data were released from a study by the Codacons association carried out on the reporting published online by the Ministry of the Interior and based on the data that local authorities must provide by May 31st of each year, referring to the sums actually collected by local administrations through sanctions for violations of the Highway Code and their use.

At a national level in 2023 the proceeds collected by the main Municipalities thanks to traffic fines increased by +6.9% compared to the previous year, reaching the overall figure of 584.7 million euros in the 20 largest cities in Italy. Once again the Italian city that holds the record in terms of proceeds from road fines is Rome, with over 172 million euros in 2023, up by +29.7% on 2022, followed by Milan with 147 million euros (- 3% on 2022).

Florence is more distant with 45 million and Bologna with 43 million – Codacons explains to Askanews – The situation changes if we analyze the trend of high fines through speed cameras, devices which last year guaranteed the main cities revenues for a total of 65 million euro: in this case Florence is the city with the highest takings, equal to 18.7 million euros, followed by Milan (8.5 million), Rome (7.5 million) and Genoa (5 million).

It’s raining criticism

Strong criticism from the Tuscan League MEP Susanna Ceccardi: “Florence confirms itself as the ‘queen’ of Italian cities for high fines caused by speed cameras: 18.7 million euros in collections in 2023, as reported by Codacons, or 123.8 euros for every Florentine. A record that is anything but enviable, demonstrating how Palazzo Vecchio uses this tool to raise cash, much more than to guarantee road safety. A cunning method absolutely to be stigmatized, the one used by Nardella and the Democratic Party, on which came the crackdown desired by Minister Salvini, whose decree finally puts a stop to the distortions and abuses of those first citizens who place surprise speed cameras behind the curves or close to a fast road. The League says ‘yes’ to the needs of traffic safety, the prevention of accidents and the protection of road users but reiterates its ‘no’ to the excessive proliferation of very high fines with which certain local administrations harass motorists”.

The centre-right mayoral candidate was also notified of the same Eike Schmidt: “Enough with the fine regime: speed cameras have become the oppressive tool par excellence of this municipal administration”. “The incorrect use of speed cameras is clear: despite having one million fewer inhabitants, Florence collects more than double that of Milan, 18.7 million against 8.5”.

“Between new speed cameras and old generation speed cameras, in 2022 the Municipality of Florence imposed over 600 thousand fines for exceeding the speed limit, of which around 500 thousand solely on Viale Etruria, Marco Polo Viaduct and Viale The passage of pedestrians and bicycles is very limited.”

“Let’s stop making money from citizens and review the use of veloxes: they should be positioned where they are really useful for ensuring safety, i.e. near schools and on the streets where pedestrians and cyclists are most at risk. Statistics tell us that in the city the main causes of accidents are inattention and failure to respect signs, not high speed. What’s the point of putting a velocar on a straight line not frequented by pedestrians and letting cars speed along narrow streets in front of schools? I’m thinking for example of via di Novoli – a short distance from viale
“We need a mapping of the places where the most serious accidents occur, in order to scientifically plan interventions: not to make money, but to guarantee the safety of citizens. It will be one of the first things we do.”

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