Italy 24 Press News

Pavia mayoral candidates discussing urban decoration and new green spaces

PAVIA – Thursday evening, in a packed Broletto hall, a heated debate was held between the five mayoral candidates of Pavia, organized by the Network of Citizen Committees.

Transparency and land consumption

The meeting began with a focus on transparencya central theme for the spokesperson of the NetworkCettina Panzera, who hoped for greater accessibility to the Municipality’s notice board. The representatives of the committees then presented the results of questionnaires and meetings held in the various neighborhoods of the city, opening the discussion on the Territorial government plan (Pgt).

Michele Lissiacandidate of the centre-left, reiterated his opposition to zero land consumption, a condition not guaranteed by the PGT developed by the previous council. Alessandro Cantoni, candidate of the centre-right, he instead underlined the expectation of many economic operators for a new urban planning tool, while hoping for an open dialogue with citizens.

Mobility and decorum

There are also differences on the topic of mobility: Cantons proposed the creation of new parking spaces, while the other candidates focused on sustainable mobility. Urban decorum was another topic of discussion, with the Historic Center Committee calling for greater respect for monuments and greenery, as well as a fight against degradation and the proliferation of terraces.

Asm Pavia and abandoned areas

Regarding Asm Paviaresponsible for city cleanliness and decorum, Lissia reiterated the role of ASM as the operational arm of the Municipality, while Cattaneo (Rifondazione) criticized the company, calling it a “chair factory” and calling for the adoption of a “technical” sole director. On abandoned areas, Signorelli (Power to the people) e Grisolia (Communist Workers’ Party) expressed concern for the future of the Snia, fearing the construction of luxury homes without services for citizens.


There malamovida it’s another very heartfelt topic, with Cantons who proposed an increase in checks and the installation of new cameras. Lissia instead he hoped for greater dialogue with young people and the involvement of operators to promote a different culture of entertainment. Center-left and left-wing candidates also complained about the lack of adequate cultural offerings for young people. The meeting concluded with questions from the public, including the request to limit outdoor areas and to restore an efficient bike sharing service.

The meeting highlighted the deep divisions between the mayoral candidates on crucial issues for the future of Pavia. Citizens will now have the task of evaluating the different proposals and choosing the candidate who best represents their vision of the city.

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