Italy 24 Press News

goal disallowed for Sanchez, at Bentegodi it ends equal

The Verona ends the season with a brilliant 2-2 at Bentegodi with Inter. For Hellas, except from Monday, it’s time to celebrate, in a match played by the teams with liveliness and without tactics. Turnover in Verona, with Belahyane on his debut as a starter in midfield, Cabal in the middle of the defense with Coppola with Vinagre on the left wing, Mitrovic from the go, with Lazovic And Suslovin support of Noslinwhich acts as an advanced reference.

Double question and answer

Hellas goes behind after 10′, with an indecision of Coppola And Perilli which allows Arnautovic draw. Verona responds immediately with Noslinready to score on Suslov’s precise pass: at 17′ it is equality. Open game with the teams facing each other always trying to push. Inter have a good chance with Frattesi, Perilli he replies. Hellas that passes in advantagecapable of striking on Inter’s defensive uncertainty: he is Noslinthis time, to serve Suslov, in the 38th minute it was 2-1. In recovery comes the evensigned again by Arnautovic. Thus ends the first half.

Goal disallowed in added time

Start of recovery, Verona tries to take the initiative. Changes at Inter: Cuadrado, Buchanan and Sanchez come in for Dumfries, Dimarco and Arnautovic. Perilli makes a double great intervention on Sanchez and Carlos Augusto. In Hellas, Magnani and Charlys replace Cabal and Lazovic, in Inter Audero is out for Di Gennaro, Asllani replaces Barella. Again Perilli is decisive on Calhanoglu. New substitutions in Verona, with Tavsan and Dani Silva for Mitrovic and Belahyane. Tavsan himself stands out with a shot from outside deflected from Audero. Last change in Hellas with Suslov coming out for Cisse. Inter it has a great occasion, with Vinagre deflecting Frattesi’s shot onto the crossbar. Perilli is still ready on Carlos Augusto. He scores in injury time Sanchezbut the goal comes canceled for offside. In the end it’s a draw.

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