Italy 24 Press News

«Redesigning the center of Latina to help commerce»


Rethinking the historic center of Latina from a future and European perspective cannot be a discussion limited only to the urban redevelopment of the heart of Latina, it cannot be a discussion only between architects, engineers and politicians. My colleague Remigio Russo tried to make this clear the other day by shining a spotlight on people and in particular on the elderly who live in the center and also on the most difficult people who don’t have a home. But the debate, intriguing and full of ideas, opened by the president of the ANCE Pierantonio Palluzzi cannot ignore a discussion on the commercial activities that impact the historic center. There are areas of the city that are trying to change their face to meet the new needs of Latin people and areas that are struggling to find a way and remain anchored to a city that is disappearing.

So far no businessman has felt the desire or need to come out into the open, to say how he imagines the Latina of tomorrow in relation to his work. To stimulate discussion, a starting point could be the document (“Manage change and not suffer it”) presented by Confesercenti Latina to its members on 14 May.

«Never before have the processes of change been so fast as in recent years and our micro activities still manage to manage the change with difficulty. These processes must necessarily be governed with a strong interaction between institutions and the world of production” explained the president Susanna Gloria and the director Ivan Simeone.

Because Latina certainly boasts excellent companies, it has a thriving pharmaceutical sector, “but micro businesses, family businesses and the sector of artisan businesses and trade are experiencing moments of difficulty”.

«In 2023 the Pontine economic fabric – explains the report – recorded a business growth rate equal to + 0.96 compared to 0.79 in the province of Frosinone. In Lazio the average was 1.59 against the national average of 0.70. A figure which overall demonstrates the substantial stability of our “business system”.

The Osserfare 2023 data explains that there are 56,697 companies registered with the Chamber of Commerce, with well over 47 thousand active businesses. «The birth rate – explains Confersercendi – is decreasing compared to 2022 even if in absolute terms it is still with a positive signal. If we look at the trend of the last decade, the trend of our companies is negative with a value of -17%”.

It is a first alarm bell that brings us back, at least in part, to the problems of the centre. You just need to walk around to see how many businesses have had to lower their shutters, due to the age of the owners and the lack of generational turnover, center, but also due to the difficulties of the local economy.

But there is also some light. A fact that is linked to the present and future of the center is certainly related to catering which “is demonstrating a significant recovery with a + 17% compared to 2022” explains Confesercenti. Not only that: «B&Bs and “guest houses” are increasing and activities linked to the world of business consultancy are increasing with a +5.68%». In short, we are increasingly a city dedicated to services.

As for trade in our province, it is “certainly not a positive moment”. The report explains that “an income crisis and a general increase in the cost of primary consumption” weighs heavily, “generating a substantial impoverishment of ‘consuming families'”. A dichotomy is starting to emerge between those who can spend more (see the increase in sales of luxury goods) and those who have to do the math to “make ends meet”. This gap, still not excessively highlighted, also affects the type and spending of the customer towards the commercial establishment”.

Also because it is no longer just the large shopping centers that are against neighborhood trade, but also e-commerce. To tell the truth, Confesercenti also places the “policies of the historic centers of our cities” on the factors that put the future of small shops at risk. He is probably talking about the pedestrian areas, the president Susanna Gloria has always been one of the island’s bitter enemies, she is among those who pressured the mayor and the majority for the reopening of part of Piazza del Popolo and Via Diaz to traffic.

A vision so far from that of Palluzzi and the others who took part in the debate. For everyone, with various certain distinctions, a pedestrianized center is an added value. It would be nice to understand what traders as well as associations think about it.

Confesercenti concludes by supporting the need to «start a new policy of trade and historic centers, with the stipulation of new plans; initiatives to financially support small businesses such as trade and craftsmanship and not just oriented towards “big business””. These are also ideas, like the ramblas, underpasses, underground car parks, social condominiums, multi-storey buildings, a one-way ring road with cycle path and mini-metro. Ideas to submit to the designers who will have to redesign the center, certainly more useful than the eleven objectives provided in the notice copied by the Municipality of Sulmona.

Vittorio Good morning



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