Italy 24 Press News

“I chose Messina for the sea, food and promotion ambition”

The sixth summer graft ofAkademia Sant’Anna she’s the smacker Chiara Mason. His youthful career developed mainly between Bassano And San Donà: “Two great companies that helped me grow in many aspects. When you are young these experiences serve you both as a person and as an athlete. I carry with me the bonds I have made with my teammates and the locals. I still maintain friendships, despite distance and time.”

Chiara Mason warming up (photo Alessio Marchi)

The experiences in the youth sectors have left their mark: “I lived them well and I carry them in my heart. I shared my entire day with teammates, as well as classmates and roommates. A relationship is created that goes beyond the gym. I hope to be able to spend a wonderful year in Messina too. I grew up taking advantage of previous experiences and the work accomplished.”

Two seasons a Sovereigntwo and a half in Trento, half in Pinerolo. Different realities but also with common aspects: “Strength of the group, desire to get involved and work in the gym. I’m sure I’ll find all this again next year in Messina. I already know some of my teammates. Ultimately I would say that the desire to do is what unites the experiences we have had. I want to do well, I always carry with me the ambition and the desire to grow further.”

Chiara Mason with Pinerolo supporters

In Sicily she is convinced she will find affection and warmth: “In addition to volleyball, food and the sea are my passions, Messina contains them all. If we bring in beautiful people the circle closes. I expect warm people, who will support us both on and off the pitch and a fiery arena. The warmth of the crowd can become our extra player on the pitch. In Calabria I bonded with people who I still talk to almost every day.”

TO Trent Mason won the A2 in the play-off final after an amazing season. In Messina he will chase another promotion: “The objective is undeniable, precisely because I am ambitious I chose Messina. I was immediately pleased that the ambitions matched those of the company. It will be a complicated championship with an even greater level of difficulty than in the past. I believe that a promotion in the South is an experience worth living. I experienced it in the North with Trento – and I will carry it in my heart -, I would like to do it in the South”.

Chiara Mason receiving

On the shores of the Strait you will find some familiar faces: “We focus on the strength of the group. I know Rossella Olivotto but also some other companions and I believe that the harmony will be there from the beginning. It will be up to us girls to create a strong bond beyond the gym. For the first time I will play with Aurora Rossettoalso from Padua, and this makes me very happy. A fiery season awaits us, I really can’t wait to get started.”

Mason is a sunny girl but also temperamentally reactive: “When I was younger I was touchy. As I’ve grown up, I’ve smoothed out some rough edges, but if this aspect still comes out, others will take care of pointing it out to me, but I really believe I’ve improved. However, it takes a lot of effort to remove my smile. I consider myself a proactive girl.”

Chiara Mason celebrates a point

The approach to the world of volleyball thanks to his sister’s passion; then she stopped and instead Chiara became a professional. “I have two sisters: one older, Will beand a smaller one, Glory. I tried to follow in the footsteps of the eldest. She played and I started too, she preferred to take other paths, continuing with her studies to pursue a career as a nurse, I decided to continue and today I say thank you to Sara because, thanks to her, I got to know volleyball. Gloria, on the other hand, still plays for a team close to home. Who knows what the future may hold for her.”

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