Italy 24 Press News

“Dear La7 viewers…”. Meloni freezes the “radical-chic living rooms”

Dear La7 viewerswe haven’t seen each other in a while“. Thus begins the message from Giorgia Meloni broadcast on La7 for the distribution of political communication spaces in view of the European elections. The president of Fratelli d’Italia, in full electoral campaign in view of the elections which will be held in two weeks, has wanted to make a video message”personalized“rather ironic, joking about the evident and broad opposition of Urbano Cairo’s television.”I hope to find you heartened for it having escaped the risk of authoritarian drift, of the collapse of the economy, of Italy’s isolation at an international level“, says the prime minister again, highlighting all the alarms that opinions, journalists and La7 hosts have been raising since the 2022 electoral campaign which, promptly, have proven to be unfounded.

Convey a serious and important message throughirony it is not a common exercise in politics, especially Italian politics, where people take themselves too seriously. But Meloni wanted to underline in the short message that “while many were discussing these ghosts we worked tirelessly to improve conditions in Italy. So today, despite a difficult situation, Italy is finally there started to grow again more than the European average. Exports have grown, yes the spread dropped and the Italian Stock Exchange in 2023 was the best in Europe“, says Meloni, reeling off incontrovertible data that not even the most ardent armchair protesters can deny.

But above all, adds the prime minister, “we touched on the employment rate highest ever. Stable contracts are increasing, female employment is increasing, the risk of poverty is decreasing and after three years wages have started to grow faster than inflation again“, continues Meloni with a very high speaking rate to stay within the timescales required by the law on equal conditions for electoral messages. This is only a starting point for doing better and better, adds Meloni, but in the meantime citizens can already say whether they whether it’s a good start or not with the elections of 8 and 9 June, when, the prime minister stings, “I’m not the radical chic living rooms to speak but the people and that of the people, has always been the only judgment that interests us“.

But irony, in fact, is not for everyone Corrado Formigli, feeling stung, wasted no time in replying to the prime minister. “He mocks and insults millions of Italians who watch our network. There prime minister of half the country who declares war on the other half“, says the host, who evidently in his haste to reply did not quite understand the meaning of the prime minister’s message but, above all, continues to carry forward the theory according to which Meloni is the prime minister of only half the country. Furthermore, consider ” half the country” less than a million people who watch his program.

But above all, in doing so, Formigli confirms the thesis of those who maintain that there is a small group of pseudo-intellectuals and journalists who have not yet digested the 2023 victory. The same ones who hang out in television lounges, without contradicting themselves, to tell each other how much they are they are good and beautiful and the others are bad, without realizing the world that revolves around them.

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