Italy 24 Press News

Cremona weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 24 May


The weather forecast in Cremona for Friday 24 May provide variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, there will be scattered clouds with cloud cover around 54%. Temperatures will be around +14.3°C, with a perception of +14.1°C. The wind will blow from the West – North West at a speed of 10.2km/h, with light gusts. The humidity will be around 89% and the atmospheric pressure at 1018hPa.

Over the course of the morning, cloud cover will increase to 84% around 7am, with a chance of light showers. Temperatures will gradually rise, reaching +18.6°C around 9:00. The wind will change direction towards the South East, maintaining a speed of 2.2km/h. Humidity will increase to 76% with a constant atmospheric pressure of 1018hPa.

In the afternoon, weather conditions will deteriorate further with moderate rain around 5pm. Cloud cover will be 68% with temperatures around +20°C. The wind will blow from the East – South East at a speed of 11.6km/h, with light gusts. Precipitation will reach 1.98mm, with humidity at 76% and atmospheric pressure at 1015hPa.

In the evening, rain will continue with variable intensity, but cloud cover will decrease around 9pm, leaving room for a few clouds with a probability of 11%. Temperatures will drop to +12.9°C, with a perception of +12.6°C. The wind will be light coming from the East at a speed of 3.6km/h. Humidity will increase to 90% with a constant atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

In conclusion, Friday 24 May in Cremona is expected to be an unstable day with intermittent rain and variable cloud cover. Temperatures will fluctuate between +12.9°C and +20.8°C. You are advised to pay attention to the constantly changing weather conditions and be prepared for light to moderate rain throughout the day.

All the weather data for Friday 24 May in Cremona

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