Italy 24 Press News

The Municipality of Bisceglie tests a new regulation for the activity of hairstylist, beautician, tattoo artist and piercer –

The preliminary report for the approval of the municipal regulation for the regulation of the activity of hairdresser, beautician, tattoo artist and piercer has been published.

The document, signed by the SUAP Division Manager, Michele Cirrottola, contains essential criteria to be followed in order to lawfully carry out the aforementioned activities. Criteria that respond to the hygienic-sanitary quality of the premises, professionalism, qualifications and training of the operators, building suitability of the structures in which the activities are carried out.

«The Municipality, having listened to the requests of the operators, is moving in the direction of approving a regulation relating to the activities of hairdressers, beauticians, tattoo artists and piercers from the point of view of staff training, hygiene and the suitability of the premises – he maintains Leo Carriera, president of Confcommercio Bisceglie –. A regulation that first of all allows operators to work peacefully, non-compliant operators to put in place all the useful provisions to meet lawfulness criteria and which allows the competent bodies to carry out all the necessary assessments for compliance with the rules” .

«As a category we express sincere appreciation towards the Municipality which has shown availability towards our requests and which has responded positively with the start of a process that will lead to the long-awaited regulation – highlights Pino Catino, president of the Bisceglie Hairdressers Association , an association member of Confcommercio Bisceglie –. They are rules resulting from observations that we have made and which have been widely shared.”

«This is just one of the regulations we are drafting for different types of activities – Onofrio Musco, municipal councilor for trade and production activities, is keen to point out –. We will always be alongside the people who work respecting the rules, who pay taxes, who sacrifice themselves daily with professionalism and seriousness. The regulation goes in the direction of combating illegal activity, which is unfortunately widespread in this sector, of sharing, i.e. the rental of seats and cabins by operators with a regular VAT number, of collaboration with the local health authorities. There was great synergy with Confcommercio and the Hairdressers’ Association. The Municipality will always respond ‘present’ to requests to respect the rules and to share requests and emergencies. We have always shown it and we will continue to do so”, concludes councilor Musco.

Wednesday 22 May 2024


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